Thursday, 1 November 2012

Nouns (151-200)

Bandanna (n):  ban-dan-uh
A bandanna is a brightly-coloured piece of cloth which is worn around a person's neck or head
A woman in a red bandanna was wiping tables

Bane  (n):  beyn
The bane of someone or the bane of someone’s life is something that frequently makes them feel unhappy or annoyed = curse
Drugs are the bane for the youth

Barb (n):  bahrb
A barb is a sharp curved point near the end of an arrow or fish-hook which makes it difficult to pull out = gibe
A barb is an unkind remark meant as a criticism of someone or something
The barb stung her exactly the way he hoped it would

Bard (n):  bahrd
A bard is a poet
Sri Sri was a famous bard

(n):  bar-i-tohn (155)
In music, a baritone is a man with a fairly deep singing voice that is lower than that of a tenor but higher than that of a bass = alto
The audience was mesmerised by MS subbalakshmi’s baritone voice

Baroque (n):  buh-rohk; Fr ba-rawk
Baroque architecture and art is an elaborate style of architecture and art that was popular in Europe in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries = highly decorated
The barroque church of San Leonardo is worth a quick look

Barrage (n):  buh-rahzh
A barrage is continuous firing on an area with large guns and tanks = bombardment
US warplanes continued their barrage again this morning

Barrister (n):  bar-uh-ster
In England and Wales, a barrister is a lawyer who represents clients in the higher courts of law = counselor-at-law
A barrister must have the confidence of the Bench

Bassoon (n):  ba-soon
A bassoon is a large musical instrument that is shaped like a tube and played by blowing into a curved metal pipe
The function of the double bassoon is to add weight to the bass

Bastion (n):  bas-chuhn (160)
If a system or organization is described as a bastion of a particular way of life, it is seen as being important and effective in defending that way of life Bastion can be used both when you think that this way of life should be ended and when you think it should be defended = mainstay
Public schools are not longer bastions of the high class

Barter (n):  bahr-ter
a system of exchanging goods and services for other goods and services rather than using money
Trading was carried out under a barter system

Bauble (n):  baw-buhl
A bauble is a small, cheap ornament or piece of jewellery
Christmas trees are decorated with candles, fairy lights and colored baubles

Beatitude (n):  bee-at-i-tood, -tyood
The monk led a life of beatitude in hermitage

Bedlam (n):  bed-luhm
Bedlam means a great deal of noise and disorder People often say ‘It was bedlam’ to mean ‘There was bedlam’
When the teacher left the class, complete bedlam b roke out

Behemoth (n):  bih-hee-muhth, bee-uh- (165)
If you refer to something as a behemoth, you mean that it is extremely large, and often that it is is unpleasant, inefficient, or difficult to manage =  big, monster
Dinosaurs are considered the gretest behemoth to live on earth

Behest (n):  bih-hest
If something is done at someone’s behest, it is done because they have ordered or requested it = command
A committee was setup at the behest of the Chaiman

Benediction (n):  ben-i-dik-shuhn
A benediction is a kind of Christian prayer  = blessing
The Pope’s hands were raised in benediction

Benefactor (n):  ben-uh-fak-ter, ben-uh-fak-
A benefactor is a person who helps a person or organization by giving them money = helper
In his old age he became a benefactor of local orphanage

Beneficiary (n):  ben-uh-fish-ee-er-ee
Someone who is a beneficiary of something is helped by it  = recipient
The rich were the main beneficiaries of the tax cuts

Benevolence (n):  buh-nev-uh-luhns (170)
If you describe a person in authority as benevolent, you mean that they are kind and fair = kindness
A bit of benevolence from people in power is not what we need

Benison (n):  ben-uh-zuhn, -suhn
The benison of the almighty shall help us through the difficult

Bereavement  (n):  bih-reev
Bereavement is the sorrow you feel or the state you are in when a relative or close friend dies = loss
Depression caused by bereavement or divorce is difficult tolerate

Bete noire (n):  beyt nwahr
If you refer to someone or something as your bete noire, you mean that you have a particular dislike for them or that they annoy you a great deal = bugbear, aversion
Our real bete noire is curruption

Bigotry (n):  big-uh-tree
Bigotry is the possession or expression of strong, unreasonable prejudices or opinions = intolerance, prejudice
He deplored religious bigotry

Billingsgate (n): bil-ingz-geyt (175)
vituperation; abusive language

Bivouac (n):  biv-oo-ak, biv-wak
A bivouac is a temporary camp made by soldiers or mountain climbers = camp
They camped in a bivouac ten miles out of town

Blandishment (n):  blan-dish-muhnt
pleasant things that you say in order to persuade or influence someone = fawning
Despite the subordinate’s blandishments the manager did not  grant him leave

Blarney (n):  blahr-nee
Blarney is things someone says that are flattering and amusing but probably untrue, and which you think they are only saying in order to please you or to persuade you to do something = flattery, fawing, over praise
He uses blarney to get his things done

Blasphemy (n):  blas-fuh-mee
You can describe something that shows disrespect for God or a religion as blasphemy = impiety, irreverence
He was found guilty of blasphemy and arrested

Blemish (n):  blem-ish (180)
A blemish is a small mark on something that spoils its appearance = spot
This failure is the only blemish in his brilliant track - record

Bludgeon (n):  bluhj-uhn
A heavy object
A wealthy businessman has been killed by a bludgeon

Bohemain (n):  boh-hee-mee-uhn
You can use bohemian to describe artistic people who live in an unconventional way = radical, maverick
He leads a bohemian life and does what he likes

Bonhomie (n):  bon-uh-meebon-uh-mee
Bonhomie is happy, good-natured friendliness = friendly
They were relaxed and full of bonhomie after a successful meeting

Bouillon (n):  bool-yon
Bouillon is a liquid made by boiling meat and bones or vegetables in water and used to make soups and sauces
=  clear beef soup
Today he would drink strong bouillon and extra coffee as boosters

Bourgeois (n):  middle class (185)
If you describe people, their way of life, or their attitudes as bourgeois, you disapprove of them because you consider them typical of conventional middle-class people
Communists have often hurled abuse at the bourgeosis mentality of the Indian middle class

Braggadocio (n):  brag-uh-doh-shee-oh
Proud talk about something that you claim to own, to have done etc = boast
His attitude full of braggadocio made him unpopular amongst the people

Bravado  (n):  bruh-vah-doh
Bravado is an appearance of courage or confidence that someone shows in order to impress other people = assumed courage
Their behavior was just sheer bravado

Brazier (n):  brey-zher
A brazier is a large metal container in which coal or charcoal is burned to keep people warm when they are outside in cold weather, for example because of their work
Both the braziers near the door had not been disturbed

Breach  (n):  breech
If you breach an agreement, a law, or a promise, you break it = violate
This was a clear breach of the 1994 Trade Agreement

Breviary (n):  bree-vee-er-ee (190)
book containing the daily prayers

Brevity (n):  brev-i-tee
The brevity of something is the fact that it is short or lasts for only a short time = pithiness, conciseness
Brevity is the soul of language

Brigand (n):  brig-uhnd
A brigand is someone who attacks people and robs them, especially in mountains or forests = bandit
A group of brigands is caught recently

Broadside (n):  brawd-sahyd
A broadside is a strong written or spoken attack on a person or institution = a strong written attack
The Mayor launched a broadside against the lawyer-turned-politician

Brocade (n):  broh-keyd
Brocade is a thick, expensive material, often made of silk, with a raised pattern on it = rich, figured fabric
The Queen was in a sari of gold brocade

Brochure (n):   broh-shoor (195)
A brochure is a magazine or thin book with pictures that gives you information about a product or service = pamphlet
A handout or employee brochure with the basic facts can be distributed

Brooch (n):  brohch
A brooch is a small piece of jewellery which has a pin at the back so it can be fastened on a dress, blouse, or coat = pin
After some reflection she removed the brooch, but retained the small, black stud ear-rings

Buccaneer (n):  buhk-uh-neer
A buccaneer was a pirate, especially one who attacked and stole from Spanish ships in the 17th and 18th centuries = a pirate someone who is very successful, especially in business, but may not be honest
Poppy was besieged by a buccaneer

Buffoonery (n):  buh-foon
Buffoonery is foolish behaviour that makes you laugh = clowning, jester

Bugaboo (n):  buhg-uh-boo
Bugaboo is something which causes terror or fear
The bugaboos that have plagued vision systems are high price and slow throughput

Bulimic (n):  byoo-lim-ik (200)
If someone is bulimic, they are suffering from bulimia
Angelina’s habit of running to the toilet after every meal was pointing to her suffering from bulimia

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