Thursday, 1 November 2012

Nouns (551-600)

Esprit de corps (n):  e-spree duh kawr
Esprit de corps is a feeling of loyalty and pride that is shared by the members of a group who consider themselves to be different from other people in some special way = comradeship, spirit
He is full of esprit in whatever he does

Ethnology (n):  eth-nol-uh-jee
the scientific study and comparison of different races of people
She was an intern who was doing research on ethnology

Etiology (n):  ee-tee-ol-uh-jee
The etiology of a disease or a problem is the study of its causes
Tracing the etiology helps a doctor cure the disease permanently

(n):  et-uh-mol-uh-jee
Etymology is the study of the origins and historical development of words
If you learn a word with the help of its etymology, you would never forget the meaning of the word

Ewer (n):  yoo-er (555)
A ewer is a large jug with a wide opening = water pitcher

Eugenics (n):  yoo-jen-iks
Eugenics is the study of methods to improve the human race by carefully selecting parents who will produce the strongest children
The maximum work on eugenics has been done in the last ten years or so

Eulogy (n):  yoo-luh-jee
A eulogy is a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something very much = tribute
The minister delivered a long eulogy

Euphemism  (n):  yoo-fuh-miz-uhm
A euphemism is a polite word or expression that is used to refer to things which people may find upsetting or embarrassing to talk about, for example sex, the human body, or death
'Pass away' is a euphemism for 'die'

Euphony (n):  yoo-fuh-nee
Agreeable  sound,  especially  in  the  phonetic  quality  of  words
The euphony of the Lata’s voice has made her queen of playback singing in India

(n):  yoo-fawr-ee-uh, -fohr- (560)
Euphoria is a feeling of intense happiness and excitement = elation
The euphoria of the students after the exams were over was clearly noticible

Euthanasia (n):  yoo-thuh-ney-zhuh, -zhee-uh, -zee-uh
Euthanasia is the practice of killing someone who is very ill and will never get better in order to end their suffering, usually done at their request or with their consent = mercy killing
Euthanasia has been made legal in the Netharlands

Exchequer (n):  eks-chek-er
The Exchequer is the department in the British government which is responsible for receiving, issuing, and accounting for money belonging to the state = treasury
Some feel that the Rupublic Day parade is a wasteful spending on public exchequer

Excision (n):  ek-sizh-uhn
act of cutting away

Exegesis (n):  ek-si-jee-sis
An exegesis is an explanation and interpretation of a piece of writing, especially a religious piece of writing, after very careful study = explanation

Exodus (n):  ek-suh-duhs (565)
If there is an exodus of people from a place, a lot of people leave that place at the same time = departure
The medical system is facing collapse because of an exodus of doctors

(n):  ek-si-juhn-see, ig-zij-uhn-
The exigencies of a situation or a job are the demands or difficulties that you have to deal with as part of it = crisis
The exigency of the patient’s health prevented the doctor from leaving the ward

Expletive (n):  ek-spli-tiv
An expletive is a rude word or expression such as ‘Damn!’ which you say when you are annoyed, excited, or in pain = swear word
His knowledge of the English language was restricted to his knowledge of expletives

 (n):  ek-spuh-zish-uhn
An exposition of an idea or theory is a detailed explanation or account of it = exhibition
His lecture contains a lucid exposition of educational theories

Expatriate (n):  eks-pey-tree-eyt
An expatriate is someone who is living in a country which is not their own = exile
Indian expatriates in australia are now subjected to racial criticisms

Expediency (n):  ik-spee-dee-uhn-see (570)
Expediency means doing what is convenient rather than what is morally right  = convenience
This was a matter less of morals than of expediency

Expostulation (n):  ik-spos-chuh-ley-shuhn
Expression of strong disapproval or disagreement = remonstrance

Extradition (n):  ek-struh-dish-uhn
The act of handing over (a person accused or convicted of committing a crime in a foreign state) to the jurisdiction of that state
The extradition of the accused was strongly opposed by his defence lawyer

 (n):  ik-strap-uh-leyt
If you extrapolate from known facts, you use them as a basis for general statements about a situation or about what is likely to happen in the future = projection, conjecture
It is possible to extrapolate future developments from current trends

 (n):  ek-struh-vurt
Someone who is extrovert is very active, lively, and friendly
His extrovert personality earned him lot of friends

Facade (n) = fuh-sahd, fa- (575)
A facade is an outward appearance which is deliberately false and gives you a wrong impression about someone or something
It was no longer possible for me to hide my resentment behind a facade of satisfaction

Facet (n):  fas-it
A facet of something is a single part or aspect of it = a side
The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life

(n):  fak-shuhn
A faction is an organized group of people within a larger group, which opposes some of the ideas of the larger group and fights for its own ideas = party, clique, dissension
Struggles between the different factions within the party was the reason for its failure

Factotum (n):  fak-toh-tuhm
A factotum is a servant who is employed to do a wide variety of jobs for someone
He was finally employed as a general factorum

Fanatic (n):  fuh-nat-ik
If you describe someone as a fanatic, you disapprove of them because you consider their behaviour or opinions to be very extreme, for example in the way they support particular religious or political ideas = extremist, a religious zealot
Fanatics who represent a real danger to democracy

Fancier (n):  fan-see-er (580)
An animal or plant fancier is a person who breeds animals or plants of a particular type or who is very interested in them
Pigeon fanciers meet regularly at this club on every sunday

Fanfare (n):  fan-fair
A fanfare is a short, loud tune played on trumpets or other similar instruments to announce a special event = call by bugles or trumpets
The film was lauched with much fanfare but couldn’t achieve commercial success

Fanaticism (n):  fuh-nat-uh-sahyz-uhm
Fanaticism is fanatical behaviour or the quality of being fanatical = extremism
Watching “pokiri” movie 30 times by the Mahesh babu fan is an example of fanaticism

Fatalism (n):  feyt-l-iz-uhm
Fatalism is a feeling that you cannot control events or prevent unpleasant things from happening, especially when this feeling stops you from making decisions or making an effort = resignation
There's a certain mood of fatalism now among the radicals

Fauna (n):  faw-nuh
Animals, especially the animals in a particular area, can be referred to as fauna
The flora and fauna of the African jungle attracts many tourists

Faux pas (n):  foh pah (585)
 A faux pas is a socially embarrassing action or mistake
= gaffe, blunder
He realised he’s made a serious faux pas by asking about his old girlfriend in front of his present one

Fealty (n)  fee-uhl-tee
In former times, if someone swore fealty to their ruler, they promised to be loyal to him or her  =  loyalty,  faithfulness
The feudal lord demanded fealty of his vassals

 (n):  fi-kuhn-di-tee
the quality of being fecund; capacity, esp in female animals, of producing young in great numbers = productive
The fecundity of this land is so high that it can give 40 bags per acre

Feint (n):  feynt
In sport or military conflict, if someone feints, they make a brief movement in a different direction from the one they intend to follow, as a way of confusing or deceiving their opponent = trick, shift, sham blow
I feinted to the left, then to the right

Felicity (n):  fi-lis-i-tee
Felicity is great happiness and pleasure = Happiness, bliss
He demonstrated concern for the felicity of his children

Felony (n):  fel-uh-nee (590)
In countries where the legal system distinguishes between very serious crimes and less serious ones, a felony is a very serious crime such as armed robbery = serious crime
Felony deserves capital punishment

Ferment (n):  fur-ment
Ferment is excitement and trouble caused by change or uncertainty = turmoil, agitation, commotion
The entire country was in a state of ferment

Fervor (n):  fur-ver
Fervour for something is a very strong feeling for or belief in it = enthusiasm
Their kiss was full of the fervor of first love

Fetish (n):  fet-ish, fee-tish
If someone has a fetish, they have an unusually strong liking or need for a particular object or activity, as a way of getting pleasure
The place of worship is supposed to have some fetish relevance

 (n):  fee-as-koh
If you describe an event or attempt to do something as a fiasco, you are emphasizing that it fails completely  = debacle, total failure
The project was considered as a complete fiasco

Fiat (n):  fee-aht, -at;  fahy-uht, -at (595)
If something is done by fiat, it is done because of an official order given by someone in authority = a command
The matter was settled by presidential fiat

Fidelity (n):  fi-del-i-tee, fahy-
Fidelity is loyalty to a person, organization, or set of beliefs =  loyalty
The dog is one animal that is known for its fidelity

Fiend (n):  feend
If you describe someone as a fiend, you mean that they are extremely wicked or cruel = evil, inhuman
Shylock, the Shakespearean money lender, was a fiend

Figment (n):  fig-muhnt
If you say that something is a figment of someone's imagination, you mean that it does not really exist and that they are just imagining it = invention, imaginary thing
The attack wasn't just a figment of my imagination

Finale (n):  fi-nal-ee
The finale of a show, piece of music, or series of shows is the last part of it or the last one of them, especially when this is exciting or impressive = conclusion
The fireworks were the grand finale of the ceremonies

Finesse (n):  fi-ness (600)
If you do something with finesse, you do it with great skill and style =  skill, expertise
The hostess handled the awkward scene with finess and won the admiration of the gathering

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