Circumscribe (v): sur-kuhm-skrahyb
If someone’s power or freedom is circumscribed, it is limited or restricted = limit, confine
The President's power is circumscribed by Congress and the Supreme Court
Circumvent (v): sur-kuhm-vent
If someone circumvents a rule or restriction, they avoid having to obey the rule or restriction, in a clever and perhaps dishonest way = get round
The company opened an account abroad, in order to circumvent the tax laws
Cite (v): sahyt
If you cite something, you quote it or mention it, especially as an example or proof of what you are saying = quote
The judge cited a 1956 Supreme Court ruling in her decision
Clamber (v): klam-ber
If you clamber somewhere, you climb there with difficulty, usually using your hands as well as your feet = scramble
He clambered up the rocks to reach the cliff
Cleave (v): kleev (130)
To cleave something means to split or divide it into two separate parts, often violently = split
The wooden door had been cleft in two
Coagulate (v): koh-ag-yuh-leyt;
When a liquid coagulates, it becomes very thick = thicken
The blood coagulates to stop wounds from bleeding
Coalesce (v): koh-uh-les
If two or more things coalesce, they come together and form a larger group or system = combine
The puddles had coalsced into a small stream
Coerce (v): koh-urs
If you coerce someone into doing something, you make them do it, although they do not want to = pressurize
The terrorists coerce the villagers into hiding them from the army
Cogitate (v): koj-i-teyt
If you are cogitating, you are thinking deeply about something = think over
While solving the crossword puzzle, she cogitated on the term before giving up
Cohere (v): koh-heer
If the different elements of a piece of writing, a piece of music, or a set of ideas cohere, they fit together well so that they form a united whole = stick together
The two halves of the movie don’t cohere into anything meaningful
Collaborate (v): kuh-lab-uh-reyt
When one person or group collaborates with another, they work together, especially on a book or on some research = work together
The two nations are collaborating on several satellite projects
Collate (v): kuh-leyt
When you collate pieces of information, you gather them all together and examine them
The company is working on a new software to collate the vast data pouring in from all sectors
Commandeer (v): kom-uhn-deer
If the armed forces commandeer a vehicle or building owned by someone else, they officially take charge of it so that they can use it= appropriate
The hijacker commandeered the plane on a domestic flight
Commiserate (v): kuh-miz-uh-reyt
If you commiserate with someone, you show them pity or sympathy when something unpleasant has happened to them = express pity or sympathy
She commiserated with the losers on their defeat
Comport (v): kuhm-pawrt, -pohrt (140)
If you comport yourself in a particular way, you behave in that way = behave one’s self
She always comports herself with great dignity
Compromise (v): kom-pruh-mahyz
If you compromise with someone, you reach an agreement with them in which you both give up something that you originally wanted You can also say that two people or groups compromise
She admitted that she was unable to compromise
Compute (v): kuhm-pyoot
To compute a quantity or number means to calculate it = calculate, reckon
Final results had not yet been computed
Concatenate (v): kon-kat-n-eyt
to link together; unite in a series or chain = join
The concatenate function allows you to join 2 or more strings together
Conciliate (v): kuhn-sil-ee-eyt
If you conciliate someone, you try to end a disagreement with them = pacify, win over
The management came up with proposals designed to conciliate the union
Concoct (v): kon-kokt
prepare by combining; make up in concert
If you concoct an excuse or explanation, you invent one that is not true
The clerk concocted an elaborate excuse for being late
Concur (v): kuhn-kur
If one person concurs with another person, the two people agree You can also say that two people concur = agree
The committee largely concurred with their views
Condescend (v): kon-duh-send
If someone condescends to do something, they agree to do it, but in a way which shows that they think they are better than other people and should not have to do it = deign
Take care not to condescend to the person you are talking to
Condole (v): kuhn-dohl
To express sympathetic sorrow
Everyone was there to condole the death of the lover of mankind
Condone (v): kuhn-dohn
If someone condones behaviour that is morally wrong, they accept it and allow it to happen = forgive
I cannot condone the use of violence under any circumstances
Confiscate (v): kon-fuh-skeyt (150)
If you confiscate something from someone, you take it away from them, usually as a punishment = seize; commandeer
The principal confiscated all our cell phones as they are not allowed in our college
If someone’s power or freedom is circumscribed, it is limited or restricted = limit, confine
The President's power is circumscribed by Congress and the Supreme Court
Circumvent (v): sur-kuhm-vent
If someone circumvents a rule or restriction, they avoid having to obey the rule or restriction, in a clever and perhaps dishonest way = get round
The company opened an account abroad, in order to circumvent the tax laws
Cite (v): sahyt
If you cite something, you quote it or mention it, especially as an example or proof of what you are saying = quote
The judge cited a 1956 Supreme Court ruling in her decision
Clamber (v): klam-ber
If you clamber somewhere, you climb there with difficulty, usually using your hands as well as your feet = scramble
He clambered up the rocks to reach the cliff
Cleave (v): kleev (130)
To cleave something means to split or divide it into two separate parts, often violently = split
The wooden door had been cleft in two
Coagulate (v): koh-ag-yuh-leyt;
When a liquid coagulates, it becomes very thick = thicken
The blood coagulates to stop wounds from bleeding
Coalesce (v): koh-uh-les
If two or more things coalesce, they come together and form a larger group or system = combine
The puddles had coalsced into a small stream
Coerce (v): koh-urs
If you coerce someone into doing something, you make them do it, although they do not want to = pressurize
The terrorists coerce the villagers into hiding them from the army
Cogitate (v): koj-i-teyt
If you are cogitating, you are thinking deeply about something = think over
While solving the crossword puzzle, she cogitated on the term before giving up
Cohere (v): koh-heer
If the different elements of a piece of writing, a piece of music, or a set of ideas cohere, they fit together well so that they form a united whole = stick together
The two halves of the movie don’t cohere into anything meaningful
Collaborate (v): kuh-lab-uh-reyt
When one person or group collaborates with another, they work together, especially on a book or on some research = work together
The two nations are collaborating on several satellite projects
Collate (v): kuh-leyt
When you collate pieces of information, you gather them all together and examine them
The company is working on a new software to collate the vast data pouring in from all sectors
Commandeer (v): kom-uhn-deer
If the armed forces commandeer a vehicle or building owned by someone else, they officially take charge of it so that they can use it= appropriate
The hijacker commandeered the plane on a domestic flight
Commiserate (v): kuh-miz-uh-reyt
If you commiserate with someone, you show them pity or sympathy when something unpleasant has happened to them = express pity or sympathy
She commiserated with the losers on their defeat
Comport (v): kuhm-pawrt, -pohrt (140)
If you comport yourself in a particular way, you behave in that way = behave one’s self
She always comports herself with great dignity
Compromise (v): kom-pruh-mahyz
If you compromise with someone, you reach an agreement with them in which you both give up something that you originally wanted You can also say that two people or groups compromise
She admitted that she was unable to compromise
Compute (v): kuhm-pyoot
To compute a quantity or number means to calculate it = calculate, reckon
Final results had not yet been computed
Concatenate (v): kon-kat-n-eyt
to link together; unite in a series or chain = join
The concatenate function allows you to join 2 or more strings together
Conciliate (v): kuhn-sil-ee-eyt
If you conciliate someone, you try to end a disagreement with them = pacify, win over
The management came up with proposals designed to conciliate the union
Concoct (v): kon-kokt
prepare by combining; make up in concert
If you concoct an excuse or explanation, you invent one that is not true
The clerk concocted an elaborate excuse for being late
Concur (v): kuhn-kur
If one person concurs with another person, the two people agree You can also say that two people concur = agree
The committee largely concurred with their views
Condescend (v): kon-duh-send
If someone condescends to do something, they agree to do it, but in a way which shows that they think they are better than other people and should not have to do it = deign
Take care not to condescend to the person you are talking to
Condole (v): kuhn-dohl
To express sympathetic sorrow
Everyone was there to condole the death of the lover of mankind
Condone (v): kuhn-dohn
If someone condones behaviour that is morally wrong, they accept it and allow it to happen = forgive
I cannot condone the use of violence under any circumstances
Confiscate (v): kon-fuh-skeyt (150)
If you confiscate something from someone, you take it away from them, usually as a punishment = seize; commandeer
The principal confiscated all our cell phones as they are not allowed in our college
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