Monday, 5 November 2012

Verbs (226-250)

Dissemble (v):  dih-sem-buhl
When people dissemble, they hide their real intentions or emotions = disguise, pretend
I found her dissembling anger

Disseminate (v):  dih-sem-uh-neyt
To disseminate information or knowledge means to distribute it so that it reaches many people or organizations = distribute, spread
The invention of the radio has helped to disseminate their favorite doctrines very easily

Dissimulate (v):  dih-sim-yuh-leyt
When people dissimulate, they hide their true feelings, intentions, or nature = pretend, dissemble
This man was too injured to dissimulate well

Dissipate (v):  dis-uh-peyt
When something dissipates or when you dissipate it, it becomes less or becomes less strong until it disappears or goes away completely = waste
My savings dissipated in the blink of an eye

Dissuade (v):  dis-uh-peyt (230)
If you dissuade someone from doing or believing something, you persuade them not to do or believe it
Doctors had tried to dissuade patients from smoking

Distend (v):  dih-stend
If a part of your body is distended, or if it distends, it becomes swollen and unnaturally large = expand, swell out
His veins on the forehead distend whenever he is upset

Distill (v):  dih-stil
If a liquid such as whisky or water is distilled, it is heated until it changes into steam or vapour and then cooled until it becomes liquid again This is usually done in order to make it pure = refine, purify
A moonshiner distills mash into whiskey

Diverge (v)  dih-vurj
If one thing diverges from another similar thing, the first thing becomes different from the second or develops differently from it You can also say that two things diverge = vary
The spokes of the wheel diverge from the hub

Divest (v):  dih-vest
If something or someone is divested of a particular quality, they lose that quality or it is taken away from them = strip
The goverment is divesting its less profitable business concerns

Divulge  (v):  dih-vuhlj, dahy- (235)
If you divulge a piece of secret or private information, you tell it to someone = reveal, disclose
One of us divulged details of the deal to the press

Doff (v):  dof, dawf
If you doff your hat or coat, you take it off = take off
The guests doff their hats

Dote (v):  doht
If you say that someone dotes on a person or a thing, you mean that they love or care about them very much and ignore any faults they may have = care for
Gransparents dote on their  grandchildren

Dowdy (v):  dou-dee
If you describe someone or their clothes as dowdy, you mean their clothes are dull and unfashionable = old fashioned
A good wardrobe though necessary, is not a sufficient condition to change a person who is dowdy

Edify (v):  ed-uh-fahy
to improve someone's mind or character by teaching them something = instruct, correct morally
I watch television for pleasure, rather than edification

Efface (v):  ih-feys (240)
To efface something means to destroy or remove it so that it cannot be seen any more = rub out
Nothing can efface the last picture i have of them from my mind

Effervesce (v):  ef-er-ves
a liquid that effervesces produces small bubbles of gas = bubble over; show excitement
You can buy effervescent Vitamin-C tablets, which you put in water

Elicit (v):  ih-lis-it
If you elicit a response or a reaction, you do or say something which makes other people respond or react = draw out
They were able to elicit the support of the public

Elucidate (v):  ih-loo-si-deyt
If you elucidate something, you make it clear and easy to understand = explain
This book elucidates the culture and tradition of India

Emanate (v):  em-uh-neyt
If a quality emanates from you, or if you emanate a quality, you give people a strong sense that you have that quality = emit
A strong odor of sulphur emanated from the lab

Emancipate (v):  ih-man-suh-peyt (245)
If people are emancipated, they are freed from unpleasant or unfair social, political, or legal restrictions = release
We live in more emancipated time

Emasculate (v):  ih-mas-kyuh-leyt
If someone or something is emasculated, they have been made weak and ineffective = to weaken
The government has been accused of trying to emasculate the recommendations of the report

Embellish (v):  em-bel-ish
If something is embellished with decorative features or patterns, it has those features or patterns on it and they make it look more attractive = decorate
The floor was embellished with flowers and leaves

 (v):  em-bez-uhl
If someone embezzles money that their organization or company has placed in their care, they take it and use it illegally for their own purposes = steal
He is accused of embezzling large amounts from the charity money

Emblazon (v):  em-bley-zuhn
deck in brilliant colors
The sponser’s name is emblazoned on the player’s shirt

Emend (v):  ih-mend (250)
to remove the mistakes from something that has been written
The book is currently being emended for the second edition

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