Egoism (n): ee-goh-iz-uhm
excessive interest in one's self
Egoism is the same as egotism
Egotism (n): ee-guh-tiz-uhm
Egotism is the quality of being egotistic = selfishness, conceit, vanity
In his arrogance and egotism, he underestimated his opponent
Egress (n): ee-gres
Egress is the act of leaving a building or place, or the right to do this = leave
Water issued from the egress in the wall
Ejaculation (n): ih-jak-yuh-ley-shuhn
to suddenly shout or say something, especially because you are surprised = exclamation
Elation (n): ih-ley-shuhn (505)
Elation is a feeling of great happiness and excitement about something that has happened = Joy
His supporters have reacted to the news with elation
Elegy (n): el-i-jee
An elegy is a sad poem, often about someone who has died
On the death of Edward King, Milton composed the elegy “Lycidas”
Elixir (n): ih-lik-ser
An elixir is a liquid that is considered to have magical powers = cure all
The medicine was known because of its powers as on elixir
Ellipsis (n): ih-lip-sis
In linguistics, ellipsis means leaving out words rather than repeating them unnecessarily; for example, saying ‘I want to go but I can’t’ instead of ‘I want to go but I can’t go’
Sometimes ellipses may paragraph
Embargo (n): em-bahr-goh
If one country or group of countries imposes an embargo against another, it forbids trade with that country = ban
The embargo on the sale of spices has been lifted
Embezzlement (n): em-bez-uhl (510)
Embezzlement is the crime of embezzling money = stealing
Emendation (n): ee-muhn-dey-shuhn
correction of errors; improvement
Emetic (n): uh-met-ik
An emetic is something that is given to someone to swallow, in order to make them vomit
The use of emetics help doctors cure cases of food poisoning
Eminence (n): em-uh-nuhns
Eminence is the quality of being very well-known and highly respected
APJ abdul kalam is a scientist of great eminence
Emissary (n): em-uh-ser-ee
An emissary is a representative sent by one government or leader to another = agent
The student acted as an emissary between the drug vendor and his fellow students
Emollient (n): ih-mol-yuhnt (515)
An emollient is a liquid or cream which you put on your skin to make it softer or to reduce pain = balm
Almond oils is renowned for its soothing, emollient properties
Emolument (n): ih-mol-yuh-muhnt
Emoluments are money or other forms of payment which a person receives for doing work = salary, compensation
He could earn up to £1m a year in salary and emoluments from many directorships
Empathy (n): em-puh-thee
Empathy is the ability to share another person’s feelings and emotions as if they were your own
She had great empathy with people
Empyrean (n): em-puh-ree-uhn
heaven or the sky = divine
The clergy believe that repentance is empyrean
Enclave (n): en-kleyv
An enclave is an area within a country or a city where people live who have a different nationality or culture from the people living in the surrounding country or city
Large number of visa applicants assembled at the American Enclave in New Delhi
Encomium (n): en-koh-mee-uhm (520)
the expression of a lot of praise
The speakers delivered encomiums paying rich tributes to the deceased leader
Encroachment (n): en-krohch-muhnt
You can describe the action or process of encroaching on something as encroachment = gradual intrusion
It's a sign of the encroachment of commercialism in medicine
Endearment (n): en-deer-muhnt
An endearment is a loving or affectionate word or phrase that you say to someone you love = fond statement
No term of endearment crossed their lips
Endive (n): en-dahyv
Endive is a type of plant with crisp curly leaves that is eaten in salads = chicory
Enigma (n): uh-nig-muh
If you describe something or someone as an enigma, you mean they are mysterious or difficult to understand = mistery = a riddle
She remained an enigma even in death
Ennui (n): ahn-wee (525)
Ennui is a feeling of being tired, bored, and dissatisfied
We came out of the theater feeling a tremendous sense of ennui
Enormity (n): ih-nawr-mi-tee
If you refer to the enormity of something that you consider to be a problem or difficulty, you are referring to its very great size, extent, or seriousness
The enormity of the crime and the callousness displayed by the officials sent shockwaves through the campus
Entity (n): en-ti-tee
An entity is something that exists separately from other things and has a clear identity of its own = real being
The mind exists as a separate entity
Entomology (n): en-tuh-mol-uh-jee
Entomology is the study of insects
She found entomology the most annoying part of his biology course
Entree (n): ahn-trey
If you have an entrée to a social group, you are accepted and made to feel welcome by them = entrance
She had an entree into the city's cultivated society
Entrepreneur (n): ahn-truh-pruh-nur (530)
An entrepreneur is a person who sets up businesses and business deals = businessman, contractor
He became a successful entrepreneur after loads of hard work
Epicure (n): ep-i-kyoor
An epicure is someone who enjoys eating food that is of very good quality, especially unusual or rare food = gourmand
His epicurean habits got him a job at a five-star hotel
Epicurean (n): ep-i-kyoo-ree-uhn
Epicurean food is of very good quality, especially unusual or rare food
Hyderabad biryani is an epicurean dish
Epigram (n): ep-i-gram
An epigram is a short saying or poem which expresses an idea in a very clever and amusing way = adage
My motto in life comes from the epigram when the going gets tough, the tough gets going
Epilogue (n): ep-uh-lawg, -log
An epilogue is a passage or speech which is added to the end of a book or play as a conclusion
The epilogue of the book was the most interesting to read
Epiphany (n): ih-pif-uh-nee (535)
Epiphany is a Christian festival on the 6th of January which celebrates the arrival of the wise men who came to see Jesus Christ soon after he was born
Epistemology (n): ih-pis-tuh-mol-uh-jee
A branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge
Many people in the recent years have started working in the field of epistemology
Epitaph (n): ep-i-taf
An epitaph is a short piece of writing about someone who is dead, often carved on their grave
The epitaph described her entire life history
Epithet (n): ep-uh-thet
An epithet is an adjective or short phrase which is used as a way of criticizing or praising someone
The use of epithets at places makes the novel more interesting
Epitome (n): ih-pit-uh-mee
If you say that a person or thing is the epitome of something, you are emphasizing that they are the best possible example of a particular type of person or thing = perfect example
Mariam was the epitome of style and the self-appointed fashion spokesperson of the school
Epoch (n): ep-uhk (540)
If you refer to a long period of time as an epoch, you mean that important events or great changes took place during it = era
Tolkien talks of an epoch in his book
Equanimity (n): ee-kwuh-nim-i-tee
Equanimity is a calm state of mind and attitude to life, so that you never lose your temper or become upset = composure
She faced the Inspector with equanimity and answered all of his questions
Equestrian (n): ih-kwes-tree-uhn
Equestrian means connected with the activity of riding horses = rider on horseback
His equestrian skills fetched him job in the Polo club
Equinox (n): ee-kwuh-noks
An equinox is one of the two days in the year when day and night are of equal length
Dominic knows that in the 1960s the equinox had progressed to Aquarius
Equipage (n): ek-wuh-pij
horse-drawn carriage
Equipoise (n): ee-kwuh-poiz (545)
Equality in distribution, as of weight, relationship, or emotional forces; equilibrium
The high wire acrobat used his pole as an equipoise to overcome the swaying caused by the wind
Equity (n): ek-wi-tee
Equity is the quality of being fair and reasonable in a way that gives equal treatment to everyone = fairness, justice
We base this call on grounds of social justice and equity
Erudition (n): er-yoo-dish-uhn
Erudition is great academic knowledge
His erudition was apparently endless
Escapade (n): es-kuh-peyd
An escapade is an exciting and rather dangerous adventure = prank, flighty conduct
Their dangerous escapades in the Great War are still be remembered
Escutcheon (n): ih-skuhch-uhn
Shield-shaped surface on which coat of arms is placed
Espionage (n): es-pee-uh-nahzh (550)
Espionage is the activity of finding out the political, military, or industrial secrets of your enemies or rivals by using spies = spying
They have been accused of running a campaign of industrial espionage against their rivals
excessive interest in one's self
Egoism is the same as egotism
Egotism (n): ee-guh-tiz-uhm
Egotism is the quality of being egotistic = selfishness, conceit, vanity
In his arrogance and egotism, he underestimated his opponent
Egress (n): ee-gres
Egress is the act of leaving a building or place, or the right to do this = leave
Water issued from the egress in the wall
Ejaculation (n): ih-jak-yuh-ley-shuhn
to suddenly shout or say something, especially because you are surprised = exclamation
Elation (n): ih-ley-shuhn (505)
Elation is a feeling of great happiness and excitement about something that has happened = Joy
His supporters have reacted to the news with elation
Elegy (n): el-i-jee
An elegy is a sad poem, often about someone who has died
On the death of Edward King, Milton composed the elegy “Lycidas”
Elixir (n): ih-lik-ser
An elixir is a liquid that is considered to have magical powers = cure all
The medicine was known because of its powers as on elixir
Ellipsis (n): ih-lip-sis
In linguistics, ellipsis means leaving out words rather than repeating them unnecessarily; for example, saying ‘I want to go but I can’t’ instead of ‘I want to go but I can’t go’
Sometimes ellipses may paragraph
Embargo (n): em-bahr-goh
If one country or group of countries imposes an embargo against another, it forbids trade with that country = ban
The embargo on the sale of spices has been lifted
Embezzlement (n): em-bez-uhl (510)
Embezzlement is the crime of embezzling money = stealing
Emendation (n): ee-muhn-dey-shuhn
correction of errors; improvement
Emetic (n): uh-met-ik
An emetic is something that is given to someone to swallow, in order to make them vomit
The use of emetics help doctors cure cases of food poisoning
Eminence (n): em-uh-nuhns
Eminence is the quality of being very well-known and highly respected
APJ abdul kalam is a scientist of great eminence
Emissary (n): em-uh-ser-ee
An emissary is a representative sent by one government or leader to another = agent
The student acted as an emissary between the drug vendor and his fellow students
Emollient (n): ih-mol-yuhnt (515)
An emollient is a liquid or cream which you put on your skin to make it softer or to reduce pain = balm
Almond oils is renowned for its soothing, emollient properties
Emolument (n): ih-mol-yuh-muhnt
Emoluments are money or other forms of payment which a person receives for doing work = salary, compensation
He could earn up to £1m a year in salary and emoluments from many directorships
Empathy (n): em-puh-thee
Empathy is the ability to share another person’s feelings and emotions as if they were your own
She had great empathy with people
Empyrean (n): em-puh-ree-uhn
heaven or the sky = divine
The clergy believe that repentance is empyrean
Enclave (n): en-kleyv
An enclave is an area within a country or a city where people live who have a different nationality or culture from the people living in the surrounding country or city
Large number of visa applicants assembled at the American Enclave in New Delhi
Encomium (n): en-koh-mee-uhm (520)
the expression of a lot of praise
The speakers delivered encomiums paying rich tributes to the deceased leader
Encroachment (n): en-krohch-muhnt
You can describe the action or process of encroaching on something as encroachment = gradual intrusion
It's a sign of the encroachment of commercialism in medicine
Endearment (n): en-deer-muhnt
An endearment is a loving or affectionate word or phrase that you say to someone you love = fond statement
No term of endearment crossed their lips
Endive (n): en-dahyv
Endive is a type of plant with crisp curly leaves that is eaten in salads = chicory
Enigma (n): uh-nig-muh
If you describe something or someone as an enigma, you mean they are mysterious or difficult to understand = mistery = a riddle
She remained an enigma even in death
Ennui (n): ahn-wee (525)
Ennui is a feeling of being tired, bored, and dissatisfied
We came out of the theater feeling a tremendous sense of ennui
Enormity (n): ih-nawr-mi-tee
If you refer to the enormity of something that you consider to be a problem or difficulty, you are referring to its very great size, extent, or seriousness
The enormity of the crime and the callousness displayed by the officials sent shockwaves through the campus
Entity (n): en-ti-tee
An entity is something that exists separately from other things and has a clear identity of its own = real being
The mind exists as a separate entity
Entomology (n): en-tuh-mol-uh-jee
Entomology is the study of insects
She found entomology the most annoying part of his biology course
Entree (n): ahn-trey
If you have an entrée to a social group, you are accepted and made to feel welcome by them = entrance
She had an entree into the city's cultivated society
Entrepreneur (n): ahn-truh-pruh-nur (530)
An entrepreneur is a person who sets up businesses and business deals = businessman, contractor
He became a successful entrepreneur after loads of hard work
Epicure (n): ep-i-kyoor
An epicure is someone who enjoys eating food that is of very good quality, especially unusual or rare food = gourmand
His epicurean habits got him a job at a five-star hotel
Epicurean (n): ep-i-kyoo-ree-uhn
Epicurean food is of very good quality, especially unusual or rare food
Hyderabad biryani is an epicurean dish
Epigram (n): ep-i-gram
An epigram is a short saying or poem which expresses an idea in a very clever and amusing way = adage
My motto in life comes from the epigram when the going gets tough, the tough gets going
Epilogue (n): ep-uh-lawg, -log
An epilogue is a passage or speech which is added to the end of a book or play as a conclusion
The epilogue of the book was the most interesting to read
Epiphany (n): ih-pif-uh-nee (535)
Epiphany is a Christian festival on the 6th of January which celebrates the arrival of the wise men who came to see Jesus Christ soon after he was born
Epistemology (n): ih-pis-tuh-mol-uh-jee
A branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge
Many people in the recent years have started working in the field of epistemology
Epitaph (n): ep-i-taf
An epitaph is a short piece of writing about someone who is dead, often carved on their grave
The epitaph described her entire life history
Epithet (n): ep-uh-thet
An epithet is an adjective or short phrase which is used as a way of criticizing or praising someone
The use of epithets at places makes the novel more interesting
Epitome (n): ih-pit-uh-mee
If you say that a person or thing is the epitome of something, you are emphasizing that they are the best possible example of a particular type of person or thing = perfect example
Mariam was the epitome of style and the self-appointed fashion spokesperson of the school
Epoch (n): ep-uhk (540)
If you refer to a long period of time as an epoch, you mean that important events or great changes took place during it = era
Tolkien talks of an epoch in his book
Equanimity (n): ee-kwuh-nim-i-tee
Equanimity is a calm state of mind and attitude to life, so that you never lose your temper or become upset = composure
She faced the Inspector with equanimity and answered all of his questions
Equestrian (n): ih-kwes-tree-uhn
Equestrian means connected with the activity of riding horses = rider on horseback
His equestrian skills fetched him job in the Polo club
Equinox (n): ee-kwuh-noks
An equinox is one of the two days in the year when day and night are of equal length
Dominic knows that in the 1960s the equinox had progressed to Aquarius
Equipage (n): ek-wuh-pij
horse-drawn carriage
Equipoise (n): ee-kwuh-poiz (545)
Equality in distribution, as of weight, relationship, or emotional forces; equilibrium
The high wire acrobat used his pole as an equipoise to overcome the swaying caused by the wind
Equity (n): ek-wi-tee
Equity is the quality of being fair and reasonable in a way that gives equal treatment to everyone = fairness, justice
We base this call on grounds of social justice and equity
Erudition (n): er-yoo-dish-uhn
Erudition is great academic knowledge
His erudition was apparently endless
Escapade (n): es-kuh-peyd
An escapade is an exciting and rather dangerous adventure = prank, flighty conduct
Their dangerous escapades in the Great War are still be remembered
Escutcheon (n): ih-skuhch-uhn
Shield-shaped surface on which coat of arms is placed
Espionage (n): es-pee-uh-nahzh (550)
Espionage is the activity of finding out the political, military, or industrial secrets of your enemies or rivals by using spies = spying
They have been accused of running a campaign of industrial espionage against their rivals
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