Sunday, 4 November 2012

Adj - 7(301-350)

Devout (adj):  dih-vout
A devout person has deep religious beliefs = pious
He is a devout Christian

Dexterous (adj):  dek-struhs
Someone who is dexterous is very skilful and clever with their hands = skillful
AR rehman is a dextrous piano player

Diabolic (adj):  dahy-uh-bol-ik
If you describe something as diabolic, you are emphasizing that it is very bad, extreme, or unpleasant = devillish
Conditions in the prison were said to be diabolical

Diaphanous (adj):  dahy-af-uh-nuhs
Diaphanous cloth is very thin and almost transparent = sheer, transparent
A diaphanous silk veil looks very graceful

Didactic (adj):  dahy-dak-tik (305)
Something that is didactic is intended to teach people something, especially a moral lesson = teaching
The didactic qualities of this movie are more important than the entertainment it provides

Diffident (adj):  dif-i-duhnt
Someone who is diffident is rather shy and does not enjoy talking about themselves or being noticed by other people = shyness
He was modest and diffident about his own success

Dilapidated (adj):  dih-lap-i-dey-tid
A building that is dilapidated is old and in a generally bad condition = ruined, decayed
The legislative building is in a state of dilapidation

Dilatory (adj):  dil-uh-tawr-ee
Someone or something that is dilatory is slow and causes delay = delaying
The government has been dilatory in dealing with the problem of unemployment

Dilligent (adj):  dil-i-juhnt
Someone who is diligent works hard in a careful and thorough way= hardworking, laborious, industrious
After a diligent search, the police found the missing child

Dire (adj):  dahyuhr (310)
Dire is used to emphasize how serious or terrible a situation or event is = awful, desperate
He was in dire need of hospital treatment

Disarming (adj):  dis-ahr-ming
If someone or something is disarming, they make you feel less angry or hostile = cheerful
I expected him to be angry, but he gave me a disarming smile

Discernible (adj):  dih-sur-nuh-buhl
If something is discernible, you can see it or recognize that it exists = distinguishable, perceivable
Far away the outline of the island is just discernible

Discerning (adj):  dih-sur-ning, -zur-
If you describe someone as discerning, you mean that they are able to judge which things of a particular kind are good and which are bad = mentally quick
Because he was considered the most discerning member of the firm, he was assigned the most difficult cases

Discombobulated (adj):  dis-kuhm-bob-yuh-leyt
completely confused
The speaker was completely discombobulated by the questions from the audiance

Disconcerted (adj):  dis-kuhn-surt (315)
If you are disconcerted, you feel anxious, confused, or embarrassed = upset
Her angry reply disconcerted me completely

Disconsolate (adj):  dis-kon-suh-lit
Someone who is disconsolate is very unhappy and depressed = dejected, sad
He did not have much success, but tried not to get too disconsolate

Discordant (adj):  dis-kawr-dnt
Something that is discordant is strange or unpleasant because it does not fit in with other things = conflicting
The discordant results confused the scientists team

Discreet (adj):  dih-skreet
If you are discreet, you are polite and careful in what you do or say, because you want to avoid embarrassing or offending someone = polite and careful
He assured her that he would be discreet about her background

Discrete (adj):  dih-skreet
Discrete ideas or things are separate and distinct from each other = separate
The universe is composed of discrete bodies

Discursive (adj):dih-skur-siv (320)
If a style of writing is discursive, it includes a lot of facts or opinions that are not necessarily relevant = digressive, rambling
The student lost marks in the group discussion because of the discursive nature of their delivery

Disdainful (adj): dis-deyn-fuhl
To be disdainful means to dislike something or someone because you think they are unimportant or not worth your attention = scornful, comtempt
The oldman is disdainful of the modern movies

Disheveled (adj):  dih-shev-uhld
If you describe someone's hair, clothes, or appearance as dishevelled, you mean that it is very untidy = untidy
She arrived flushed and dishevelled

Disingenuous (adj):  dis-in-jen-yoo-uhs
Someone who is disingenuous is slightly dishonest and insincere in what they say = deceitful
It would be disingenuous to claim that this is great art

Disinterested  (adj):  dis-in-tuh-res-tid
Someone who is disinterested is not involved in a particular situation or not likely to benefit from it and is therefore able to act in a fair and unselfish way= impartial
Umpires, of course, can be expected to be impartial and disinterested

Disjointed  (adj):  dis-join-tid (325)
Disjointed words, thoughts, or ideas are not presented in a smooth or logical way and are therefore difficult to understand = divided
His remarks were so disjointed that we could not follow his reasoning

Disparate (adj):  dis-per-it, dih-spar-
Disparate things are clearly different from each other in quality or type = diverse
It is difficult, if not impossible, to organize these disparate elements into a coherent whole

Dispassionate (adj):  dis-pash-uh-nit
Someone who is dispassionate is calm and reasonable, and not affected by emotions = detached, calm, impartial
The blue eyes searched her face with a dispassionate curiousity

Dispirited (adj):  dih-spir-i-tid
If you are dispirited, you have lost your enthusiasm and excitement = dejected, depressed
He finally left for home, utterly dispirited and bone-tired

Disputatious (adj):  dis-pyoo-tey-shuhs
fond of argument = argumentative
She is a very disputatious person by nature and just falls for any bait

Dissolute (adj):  dis-uh-loot (330)
Someone who is dissolute does not care at all about morals and lives in a way that is considered to be wicked and immoral = degenerate, loose in morals
Sadie returns to Seattle from a dissolute road journey

Distraught (adj):  dih-strawt
If someone is distraught, they are so upset and worried that they cannot think clearly = upset,
His distraught parents were being comforted by relatives

Diverse (adj):  dih-vurs
If a group or range of things is diverse, it is made up of a wide variety of things = various
There are diverse ways of approaching this problem

Diurnal (adj):  dahy-ur-nl
Diurnal means happening or active during the daytime
Diurnal flowers are open during the day and closed at night

Docile (adj):  dos-uhl
A person or animal that is docile is quiet, not aggressive, and easily controlled = manageble
The docile student was ill-treated by his roommates

Doddering (adj):  dod-er-ing (335)
If you refer to someone as a doddering old man or woman, you are saying in a disrespectful way that they are old and not strong = clumsy
Couldn't get round that doddering old snail

Dogmatic (adj): dawg-mat-ik, dog-
If you say that someone is dogmatic, you are critical of them because they are convinced that they are right, and refuse to consider that other opinions might also be justified = opinionated
He is very dogmatic in his approach and does not care about others

Doleful (adj):  dohl-fuh
A doleful expression, manner, or voice is depressing and miserable = mournful
He gave me a long, doleful look

Dolorous (adj):  dol-er-uhs
sorrowful, sad
The dolorous conversation of the bereaved family greatly disturbed me

Dormant (adj):   dawr-muhnt
Something that is dormant is not active, growing, or being used at the present time but is capable of becoming active later on = sleepy, lethargic
The dormant valcano suddenly came into life

Dorsal (adj):  dawr-suhl (340)
Dorsal means relating to the back of a fish or animal = back
Because of a severe pain in the  dorsal region, he cannot sleep straight

Doting (adj):  doh-ting
If you say that someone is, for example, a doting mother, husband, or friend, you mean that they show a lot of love for someone = excessive fondness
His doting parents bought him his first racing bike at 13

Doughty (adj):  dou-tee
If you describe someone as a doughty fighter, you mean they are brave, determined, and not easily defeated
Being a doughty young man of the village, he was respected by people of all ages

Dour (adj):  door
If you describe someone as dour, you mean that they are very serious and unfriendly = sullen, stubborn
Our normally dour class teacher looks quite friendly today

Dowdy (adj):  dou-dee
If you describe someone or their clothes as dowdy, you mean their clothes are dull and unfashionable= slovenly, untidy
She tried to change her dowdy image by buying a new fashionable wardrobe

Draconian (adj): drey-koh-nee-uhn (345)
Draconian laws or measures are extremely harsh and severe = very harsh
Chinese government implemented draconian measures to control population growth

Droll (adj):  drohl
Something or someone that is droll is amusing or witty, sometimes in an unexpected way = queer and amusing
He was a popular guest because his droll stories were always entertaining

Dubious (adj):  doo-bee-uhs, dyoo-
If you describe something as dubious, you mean that you do not consider it to be completely honest, safe, or reliable = doubtful
The claims are dubious and not scientifically proven

Dulcet (adj):  duhl-sit
People often use the expression dulcet tones to refer to someone’s voice = sweet-sounding
The family came to the terrace to listen to the dulcet duet of the birds

Duplicitous (adj):  doo-plis-i-tuhs
Someone who is duplicitous is deceitful = crafty
I did not trust the duplicitous clerk, so I took the matter to the officer-in- charge

Dynamic (adj):  dahy-nam-ik (350)
If you describe someone as dynamic, you approve of them because they are full of energy or full of new and exciting ideas = active, efficient
He’s young and dynamic and will give an impetus to the whole thing


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