Monday, 5 November 2012

Verbs (201-225)

Depreciate (v):  dih-pree-shee-eyt
If something such as a currency depreciates or if something depreciates it, it loses some of its original value = lessen
During those five years, the Dollar depreciated by a quarter

Deride (v):  dih-rahyd
If you deride someone or something, you say that they are stupid or have no value = mock, ridicule
His views were derided as old- fashioned

Descant (v):  des-kant
To talk tediously for long time = discuss fully
I have descanted on this subject before, so there’s no need for me to speak

Descry (v):  dih-skrahy
If someone decries an idea or action, they criticize it strongly = denounce     
People decried the campaign as a waste of money

Desecrate (v):  des-i-kreyt (205)
If someone desecrates something which is considered to be holy or very special, they deliberately damage or insult it = profane
It’s a crime to desecrate the  country’s flag

Desiccate (v):  des-i-keyt
to dry thoroughly; dry up
Grapes would be stored after desiccated throughly

Desist (v):  dih-zist, -sist
If you desist from doing something, you stop doing it = stop
They agreed to desist from the bombing

Despise (v):   dih-spahyz
If you despise something or someone, you dislike them and have a very low opinion of them = scorn
I can never, ever forgive him I despise him

Despoil (v):  dih-spoil
To despoil a place means to make it less attractive, valuable, or important by taking things away from it or by destroying it = plunder
Many of the graves had been despoiled

Deter (v):  dih-tur (210)
To deter someone from doing something means to make them not want to do it or continue doing it = prevent, stop
The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice

Deviate (v):  dee-vee-eyt
To deviate from something means to start doing something different or not planned, especially in a way that causes problems for others = depart
They stopped you as soon as you deviated from the script

Devolve (v):  dih-volv
If you devolve power, authority, or responsibility to a less powerful person or group, or if it devolves upon them, it is transferred to them = pass to others
The central government devolved most tax-raising powers to regional authorities

Digress (v):  dih-gres
If you digress, you move away from the subject you are talking or writing about and talk or write about something different for a while = deviate
I do not mind her habit of digressing, she’s such a good story teller

Dilate (v):  dahy-leyt
When things such as blood vessels or the pupils of your eyes dilate or when something dilates them, they become wider or bigger = expand
The doctor put the eye drops in order to dilate the pupils before the surgery

Disabuse (v):  dis-uh-byooz (215)
If you disabuse someone of something, you tell them or persuade them that what they believe is in fact untrue = correct a false impression
She quickly disabused me of my notion that beauty and brains aren’t found at one place

Disavow (v):  dis-uh-vou
If you disavow something, you say that you are not connected with it or responsible for it = disclaim, deny
The celebrity was quick to disavow the rumour

Discern (v):  dih-surn
If you can discern something, you are aware of it and know what it is = notice, observe
I could discern an air of tension the room

Disclaim (v):  dis-kleym
If you disclaim knowledge of something or disclaim responsibility for something, you say that you did not know about it or are not responsible for it = deny
She disclaims any knowledge of her husband’s business

Discomfit (v):  dis-kuhm-fit
If you are discomfited by something, it causes you to feel slightly embarrassed or confused = defeat
If you go to the interview well-prepared and in the right frame of mind, there will be no need for you to feel discomfited by even the most difficult questions

Disconcert (v):  dis-kuhn-surt (220)
If something disconcerts you, it makes you feel anxious, confused, or embarrassed
He was disconcerted to find his fellow diners already seated

Disdain (v):  dis-deyn
If you feel disdain for someone or something, you dislike them because you think that they are inferior or unimportant = scorn
Never show disdain for anyone,  you dont’t know when you might need them

Disenfranchise (v):  dis-en-fran-chahyz
To disenfranchise a group of people means to take away their right to vote, or their right to vote for what they really want = deprieve of civil right
The civilians were disenfranchised and placed under military rule

Dismember (v):  dis-mem-ber
To dismember the body of a dead person or animal means to cut or pull it into pieces
He then dismembered her, hiding parts of her body in the cellar

Disparage (v):  dih-spar-ij
If you disparage someone or something, you speak about them in a way which shows that you do not have a good opinion of them = belittle
He never misses an opportunity to disparage his competitors

Disperse (v):  dih-spurs (225)
When something disperses or when you disperse it, it spreads over a wide area = scatter
The police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd

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