Thursday, 1 November 2012

Nouns (301-350)

Codicil (n):  kod-uh-suhl
A codicil is an instruction that is added to a will after the main part of it has been written = postscript
In the codicil, she left the house and its contents to her nephew

Cog (n):  kog, kawg
A cog is a wheel with square or triangular teeth around the edge, which is used in a machine to turn another wheel or part

Cognizance (n):  kog-nuh-zuhns, kon-uh-
If you take cognizance of something, you take notice of it or acknowledge it = awareness
He has full congnizance of risks involved

Cognomen (n):  kog-noh-muhn
A surname = family name
All of us should have a common cognomen to have a common feeling of brotherhood

Cohesion (n):  koh-hee-zhuhn (305)
If there is cohesion within a society, organization, or group, the different members fit together well and form a united whole
A sense of community and social cohesion is bubbling in the new students group

Cohort (n):  koh-hawrt
A person’s cohorts are their friends, supporters, or associates
Mark and his cohorts eventually emerged from the studio

Coiffure (n):  kwah-fyoor; Fr kwa-fyr
A person’s coiffure is their hairstyle = hairstyle
The star appeared on stage in a black leather outfit and a 1950s coiffure

Colander (n):  kuhl-uhn-der
A colander is a container in the shape of a bowl with holes in it which you wash or drain food in
Cover top of colander with wax paper and set over sink to drain 24 hours

Collateral (n):  kuh-lat-er-uhl
Collateral is money or property which is used as a guarantee that someone will repay a loan  = security
She offered her house as collateral

Collier (n):  kol-yer (310)
Someone who works in a coal mine
Some were small colliers, to carry coal to London

Collusion (n):  kuh-loo-zhuhn
Collusion is secret or illegal co-operation, especially between countries or organizations
He found no evidence of collusion between record companies and retailers

Colossus (n):  kuh-los-uhs
If you describe someone or something as a colossus, you think that they are extremely important and great in ability or size  = gaint
He became a colossus of the labour movement

Comestible (n):  kuh-mes-tuh-buhl
Usually, comestibles articles of food; edibles: The table was spread with all kinds of comestibles = eatable, edible
The table was spread with all kinds of comestibles

Comeuppance (n):  kuhm-uhp-uhns
If you say that someone has got their comeuppance, you approve of the fact that they have been punished or have suffered for something wrong that they have done = punishment
I was glad to see that the bad guy got his comeuppance at the end of the movie

Comity (n):  kom-i-tee (315)
Also called comity of nations courtesy between nations, as in respect shown by one country for the laws, judicial decisions, and institutions of another = courtesy, civility
The comity with which she greeted her guests was commendable

Compact (n):  kuhm-pakt
An agreement between countries or people = agreement; contract
A compact was negotiated between the company and the union   

Compendium (n):  kuhm-pen-dee-uhm
A compendium is a short but detailed collection of information, usually in a book
The Roman Catholic Church has issued a compendium of its teachings

Compilation (n):  kom-puh-ley-shuhn
A compilation is a book, CD, or programme that contains many different items that have been gathered together, usually ones which have already appeared in other places = collection
The new collection is simply a compilation of old ghazals

Complement (n):  kom-pluh-muhnt
If one thing complements another, it goes well with the other thing and makes its good qualities more noticeable = set off
Strawberries and cream complement each other perfectly

Complicity (n):  kuhm-plis-i-tee (320)
Complicity is involvement with other people in an illegal activity or plan = collusion, participation; involvement
At its worst, it amounts to complicity in crimes against humanity

Compunction (n):  kuhm-puhngk-shuhn
If you say that someone has no compunction about doing something, you mean that they do it without feeling ashamed or guilty
She felt no compunction about leaving her job

Conceit (n):  kuhn-seet
Conceit is very great pride in your abilities or achievements that other people feel is too great = arrogance
The ill-advised conceit of the guardian angel dooms the film from  the start

Conception (n):  kuhn-sep-shuhn
A conception of something is an idea that you have of it in your mind = notion, beginning, forming of an idea
People from different religions have different conceptions regarding life after death

Conch (n):  kongk, konch
A conch is a shellfish with a large shell rather like a snail’s A conch or a conch shell is the shell of this creature = large seashell
she has a very good collection of  the conches

Conclave (n):  kon-kleyv, kong- (325)
A conclave is a meeting at which the discussions are kept secret The meeting which is held to elect a new Pope is called a conclave = meeting
The minister huddled in a conclave to take the decision

Concomitant (n):  kon-kom-i-tuhnt, kuhn-
Concomitant is used to describe something that happens at the same time as another thing and is connected with it
Political union is an essential concomitant of successful economic union

Concord (n):  kon-kawrd, kong-
Concord is a state of peaceful agreement = agreement, harmony
Pakistan should live in concord with its neighbouring states

Concordat (n):  kon-kawr-dat
agreement, usually between the papal authority and the secular

Concussion (n):  kuhn-kuhsh-uhn
If you suffer concussion after a blow to your head, you lose consciousness or feel sick or confused
The blow caused a mild concussion- bump, impact, injury, trauma

Condiment (n):  kon-duh-muhnt (330)
A condiment is a substance such as salt, pepper, or mustard that you add to food when you eat it in order to improve the flavour = seasonings; spices
He is more interested in eating condiments than the main meal

Condolence (n):   kuhn-doh-luhns
A message of condolence is a message in which you express your sympathy for someone because one of their friends or relatives has died recently
He expressed his condolences to the families of the people who died in the incident

Conduit (n):  kon-dwit
A conduit is a small tunnel, pipe, or channel through which water or electrical wires go = aqueduct; passageway for fluids
It operates as a conduit for ideas to flow freely throughout an organization

Conflagration (n):  kon-fluh-grey-shuhn
A conflagration is a fire that burns over a large area and destroys property = blaze
The conflagration in the market destroyed many a neighboring areas

Conformity (n):  kuhn-fawr-mi-tee
If something happens in conformity with something such as a law or someone's wishes, it happens as the law says it should, or as the person wants it to = harmony; agreement
The prime minister is, in conformity with the constitution, chosen by the president

Conglomeration (n):  uhn-glom-uh-rey-shuhn (335)
A conglomeration of things is a group of many different things, gathered together
Big cities look like a conglomeration of buildings, all tightly packed together

Congruence (n):  kong-groo-uhns
Congruence is when two things are similar or fit together well = correspondence of parts, harmonious relationship
A necessary congruence between political, cultural and economic forces is improtant for the progress

Conifer (n):  koh-nuh-fer
Conifers are a group of trees and shrubs, for example pine trees and fir trees, that grow in cooler areas of the world = pine tree, cone-bearing tree
I often see foxes, deer and red squirrels in the conifer plantation there

Conjecture (n):  kuhn-jek-cher
A conjecture is a conclusion that is based on information that is not certain or complete = surmise, guess
It is my conjecture that those clouds will bring us some rain later

Connivance (n):  kuh-nahy-vuhns
Connivance is a willingness to allow or assist something to happen even though you know it is wrong = help
The crime was committed with the connivance of a police officer

Connoisseur (n):  kon-uh-sur, -soor (340)
A connoisseur is someone who knows a lot about the arts, food, drink, or some other subject = expert
Fry was a connoisseur of Renaissance art

Connotation (n):  kon-uh-tey-shuhn
The connotations of a particular word or name are the ideas or qualities which it makes you think of =  association
It’s just one of those words that have got so many negative connotations

Consanguinity (n):  kon-sang-gwin-i-tee
when people are members of the same family = kinship
The belief in consanguinity has its uses

Consensus (n):  kuhn-sen-suhs
A consensus is general agreement among a group of people = agreement
There is a consensus among teachers that children should have a broad understanding of the world

Consortium (n):  kuhn-sawr-shee-uhm, -tee-
A consortium is a group of people or firms who have agreed to co-operate with each other = syndicate
The consortium of softwate firms decided to lobby for a favourable tax regime

Consternation (n): kon-ster-ney-shuhn (345)
Consternation is a feeling of anxiety or fear = dismay
The announcement of her retirement caused consternation among tennis fans

Constraint (n):  kuhn-streynt
Constraint is control over the way you behave which prevents you from doing what you want to do = restraint, compulsion
The availability of water is the main constraint on agriculture in India

Consummation (n):  kon-suh-mey-shuhn
the act of bringing to completion or fruition = end
The latest book represents the consummation of his ambitions

Contempt (n):  kuhn-tempt
If you have contempt for someone or something, you have no respect for them or think that they are unimportant = disdain
I hope voters will treat his advice with the contempt it deserves

Context (n):  kon-tekst
The context of an idea or event is the general situation that relates to it, and which helps it to be understood
The incidents are best understood in the broader context of developments in the rural society

Continence (n):  kon-tn-uhns (350)
Self restraint, control
Students should concentrate on their studies and live the life of continence

Contortions (n): kuhn-tawr-shuhn
Contortions are movements of your body or face into unusual shapes or positions =  twistings; distortions
I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts

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