Catharsis (n): kuh-thahr-sis
Catharsis is getting rid of unhappy memories or strong emotions such as anger or sadness by expressing them in some way = cleansing, expurgation
Music is a means of catharsis for me
Cathartic (n): kuh-thahr-sis
The purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, esp through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music = purgative
Music is a means of catharsis for me
Cavalcade (n): kav-uhl-keyd, kav-uhl-keyd
A cavalcade is a procession of people on horses or in cars or carriages = drill
The VIP cavalcade usually causes traffic jams in the city
Caveat (n): kav-ee-aht
A caveat is a warning of a specific limitation of something such as information or an agreement = warning, proviso
The Principal has issued a cavet to all school students regarding misbehaviour in classrooms
Celibacy (n): sel-uh-buh-see (255)
Celibacy is the state of being celibate = chastity, continence
Bhishma of Mahabharata had taken a vow to observe celibacy
Censor (n): sen-ser
If someone in authority censors letters or the media, they officially examine them and cut out any information that is regarded as secret = remove
The book had been heavily censored
Centaur (n): sen-tawr
In classical mythology, a centaur is a creature with the head, arms, and body of a man, and the body and legs of a horse
The centaur babies had fallen asleep
Centurion (n): sen-toor-ee-uhn
an army officer of ancient Rome, who was in charge of about 100 soldiers
Each of these buildings once housed a century of eighty men and its centurion
Certitude (n): sur-ti-tood, -tyood
Certitude is the same as certainty = firmness
It is impossible to predict the outcome of the negotiations with any degree of certitude
Cessation (n): se-sey-shuhn (260)
The cessation of something is the stopping of it = stopping
The cessation of project resulted in people’s anger
Cession (n): sesh-uhn
The act of giving up land, property, or rights, especially to another country after a war, or something that is given up in this way = give
The cession of Kashmir to Pakistan is impossible
Caste (n): kast, kahst
A caste is one of the traditional social classes into which people are divided in a Hindu society
Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali
Casuistry (n): kazh-oo-uh-stree
Casuistry is the use of clever arguments to persuade or trick people = motivate
The salesman made the woman to buy the washing machine with his causistry
Caucus (n): kaw-kuhs
A caucus is a group of people within an organization who share similar aims and interests or who have a lot of influence
Celerity (n): suh-ler-i-tee (265)
speed; rapidity = pace
Narain Kartikeyan’s celerity made him the fatest Indian on road
Chaff (n): chaf, chahf
If you separate the wheat from the chaff or sort the wheat from the chaff
you decide which people or things in a group are good or important and which are not
One should learn to separate the chaff from the main content before presenting anything in a public
Chagrin (n) : shuh-grin
Chagrin is a feeling of disappointment, upset, or annoyance, perhaps because of your own failure
Imagine my chargin when I discovered that I;d been wrong all along
Chalice (n): chal-is
A chalice is a large gold or silver cup with a stem Chalices are used to hold wine in the Christian service of Holy Communion = goblet, consecrated cup
Chaos (n): key-os
Chaos is a state of complete disorder and confusion
The new road construction has caused total chaos in the city
Chiromancy (n): kahy-ruh-man-see (270)
Art of telling fortunes by reading the hand = palmistry
Chord (n) : kawrd
A chord is a number of musical notes played or sung at the same time with a pleasing effect
Choreography (n): kawr-ee-og-ruh-fee
Choreography is the inventing of steps and movements for ballets and other dances = art of dancing
Shyamak Dawar’s style of choreography is quite flamboyant
Chameleon (n): kuh-mee-lee-uhn
A chameleon is a kind of lizard whose skin changes colour to match the colour of its surroundings
Charlatan (n): shahr-luh-tn
You describe someone as a charlatan when they pretend to have skills or knowledge that they do not really possess = quack, impostor
The doctor who was trusted by several patients, turned out to be a charltan
Charisma (n): kuh-riz-muh (275)
You say that someone has charisma when they can attract, influence, and inspire people by their personal qualities = appeal
He lacks charisma
Charlatan (n): shahr-luh-tn
You describe someone as a charlatan when they pretend to have skills or knowledge that they do not really possess = lier
The suburbs of India are filled with charlatans making fool of the common man
Chasm (n): kaz-uhm
If you say that there is a chasm between two things or between two groups of people, you mean that there is a very large difference between them = abyss, gulf, gap
There is still a vaste economic chasm between developing and developed countries
Chassis (n): chas-ee
A chassis is the framework that a vehicle is built on
The new car chassis offers terrific handling balance
Chattel (n): chat-l
Chattels are things that belong to you = property
In those dark mevieval base, women were considered to be chattels
Chauvinist (n): shoh-vuh-nist (280)
someone, especially a man, who believes that their own sex is better or more important than the other sex
He's a bit of a male chauvinist
Chicanery (n): shi-key-nuh-ree, chi-
Chicanery is using cleverness to cheat people = trickery
Rajan leads a life of deceit and chicanery
Chiropodist (n): ki-rop-uh-dist, kahy- or, often, shuh-
A chiropodist is a person whose job is to treat and care for people's feet = podiatrist
My foot - allergy was treated efficiently by the chiropodist
Chivalry (n) : shiv-uhl-ree
Chivalry is polite, kind, and unselfish behaviour, especially by men towards women = polite
Rogget seemed to revel in his old- fasioned chivalry
Chronology (n): kruh-nol-uh-jee
A chronology is an account or record of the times and the order in which a series of past events took place
It is important to establish the chronology of the events
Circlet (n): sur-klit (285)
a narrow band of gold, silver, or jewels worn around someone's head or arms = ring or band
The girls just pick the flowers and twist them into the circlets they put on their heads
Circumlocution (n): sur-kuhm-loh-kyoo-shuhn
A circumlocution is a way of saying or writing something using more words than are necessary instead of being clear and direct = indirect
Politicians are experts in circumlocution
Citadel (n): sit-uh-dl
In the past, a citadel was a strong building in or near a city, where people could shelter for safety = fortress, fortress
The town was situated inside a citadel to protect it from the outside attack
Clairvoyant (n): klair-voi-uhnt
Someone who is believed to be clairvoyant is believed to know about future events or to be able to communicate with dead people = fortune-teller
He went to the clairvoyant to know about his future
Clamour (n): klam-er
Chaos is a state of complete disorder and confusion = agitation
After the bombing, there was a public clamor for revenge
Claustrophobia (n): klaw-struh-foh-bee-uh (290)
Someone who suffers from claustrophobia feels very uncomfortable or anxious when they are in small or enclosed places
I get the feelings of claustrophobia when i will be in elivator
Clavicle (n): klav-i-kuhl
Your clavicles are your collar bones = collarbone
In a medical textbook, the choice between clavicle and collar-bone can justly be called a matter of stylistic variation
Cleft (n): kleft
A cleft in a rock or in the ground is a narrow opening in it
= fissure, split
No-one lives up here in the cleft except few animals
Clemency (n): klem-uhn-see
If someone is granted clemency, they are punished less severely than they could be = kindness
She was granted clemency after killing her violent husband
Clime (n): klahym
You use clime in expressions such as warmer climes and foreign climes to refer to a place that has a particular kind of climate = atmospheric conditions
He went to simla for cooler clime
Clique (n): kleek, klik (295)
If you describe a group of people as a clique, you mean that they spend a lot of time together and seem unfriendly towards people who are not in the group = coterie
The club is dominated by a small clique of intellectuals
Cliché (n): klee-shey
A cliché is an idea or phrase which has been used so much that it is no longer interesting or effective or no longer has much meaning
Every time I ask my dad for money, he always come out with an old cliche, “It doesn’t grow on trees”
Cloister (n): kloi-ster
A cloister is a covered area round a square in a monastery or a cathedral= convent
St Francis originally founded the cloister which now encloses a garden and well
Coadjutor (n): koh-aj-uh-ter
assistant; colleague
Cockade (n): ko-keyd
a small piece of cloth used as a decoration on a hat to show rank, membership of a club etc
Coda (n): koh-duh (300)
In music, a coda is the final part of a fairly long piece of music which is added in order to finish it off in a pleasing way = concluding part
The concert concluded with a distinctive coda which pleased the audiance
Catharsis is getting rid of unhappy memories or strong emotions such as anger or sadness by expressing them in some way = cleansing, expurgation
Music is a means of catharsis for me
Cathartic (n): kuh-thahr-sis
The purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, esp through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music = purgative
Music is a means of catharsis for me
Cavalcade (n): kav-uhl-keyd, kav-uhl-keyd
A cavalcade is a procession of people on horses or in cars or carriages = drill
The VIP cavalcade usually causes traffic jams in the city
Caveat (n): kav-ee-aht
A caveat is a warning of a specific limitation of something such as information or an agreement = warning, proviso
The Principal has issued a cavet to all school students regarding misbehaviour in classrooms
Celibacy (n): sel-uh-buh-see (255)
Celibacy is the state of being celibate = chastity, continence
Bhishma of Mahabharata had taken a vow to observe celibacy
Censor (n): sen-ser
If someone in authority censors letters or the media, they officially examine them and cut out any information that is regarded as secret = remove
The book had been heavily censored
Centaur (n): sen-tawr
In classical mythology, a centaur is a creature with the head, arms, and body of a man, and the body and legs of a horse
The centaur babies had fallen asleep
Centurion (n): sen-toor-ee-uhn
an army officer of ancient Rome, who was in charge of about 100 soldiers
Each of these buildings once housed a century of eighty men and its centurion
Certitude (n): sur-ti-tood, -tyood
Certitude is the same as certainty = firmness
It is impossible to predict the outcome of the negotiations with any degree of certitude
Cessation (n): se-sey-shuhn (260)
The cessation of something is the stopping of it = stopping
The cessation of project resulted in people’s anger
Cession (n): sesh-uhn
The act of giving up land, property, or rights, especially to another country after a war, or something that is given up in this way = give
The cession of Kashmir to Pakistan is impossible
Caste (n): kast, kahst
A caste is one of the traditional social classes into which people are divided in a Hindu society
Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali
Casuistry (n): kazh-oo-uh-stree
Casuistry is the use of clever arguments to persuade or trick people = motivate
The salesman made the woman to buy the washing machine with his causistry
Caucus (n): kaw-kuhs
A caucus is a group of people within an organization who share similar aims and interests or who have a lot of influence
Celerity (n): suh-ler-i-tee (265)
speed; rapidity = pace
Narain Kartikeyan’s celerity made him the fatest Indian on road
Chaff (n): chaf, chahf
If you separate the wheat from the chaff or sort the wheat from the chaff
you decide which people or things in a group are good or important and which are not
One should learn to separate the chaff from the main content before presenting anything in a public
Chagrin (n) : shuh-grin
Chagrin is a feeling of disappointment, upset, or annoyance, perhaps because of your own failure
Imagine my chargin when I discovered that I;d been wrong all along
Chalice (n): chal-is
A chalice is a large gold or silver cup with a stem Chalices are used to hold wine in the Christian service of Holy Communion = goblet, consecrated cup
Chaos (n): key-os
Chaos is a state of complete disorder and confusion
The new road construction has caused total chaos in the city
Chiromancy (n): kahy-ruh-man-see (270)
Art of telling fortunes by reading the hand = palmistry
Chord (n) : kawrd
A chord is a number of musical notes played or sung at the same time with a pleasing effect
Choreography (n): kawr-ee-og-ruh-fee
Choreography is the inventing of steps and movements for ballets and other dances = art of dancing
Shyamak Dawar’s style of choreography is quite flamboyant
Chameleon (n): kuh-mee-lee-uhn
A chameleon is a kind of lizard whose skin changes colour to match the colour of its surroundings
Charlatan (n): shahr-luh-tn
You describe someone as a charlatan when they pretend to have skills or knowledge that they do not really possess = quack, impostor
The doctor who was trusted by several patients, turned out to be a charltan
Charisma (n): kuh-riz-muh (275)
You say that someone has charisma when they can attract, influence, and inspire people by their personal qualities = appeal
He lacks charisma
Charlatan (n): shahr-luh-tn
You describe someone as a charlatan when they pretend to have skills or knowledge that they do not really possess = lier
The suburbs of India are filled with charlatans making fool of the common man
Chasm (n): kaz-uhm
If you say that there is a chasm between two things or between two groups of people, you mean that there is a very large difference between them = abyss, gulf, gap
There is still a vaste economic chasm between developing and developed countries
Chassis (n): chas-ee
A chassis is the framework that a vehicle is built on
The new car chassis offers terrific handling balance
Chattel (n): chat-l
Chattels are things that belong to you = property
In those dark mevieval base, women were considered to be chattels
Chauvinist (n): shoh-vuh-nist (280)
someone, especially a man, who believes that their own sex is better or more important than the other sex
He's a bit of a male chauvinist
Chicanery (n): shi-key-nuh-ree, chi-
Chicanery is using cleverness to cheat people = trickery
Rajan leads a life of deceit and chicanery
Chiropodist (n): ki-rop-uh-dist, kahy- or, often, shuh-
A chiropodist is a person whose job is to treat and care for people's feet = podiatrist
My foot - allergy was treated efficiently by the chiropodist
Chivalry (n) : shiv-uhl-ree
Chivalry is polite, kind, and unselfish behaviour, especially by men towards women = polite
Rogget seemed to revel in his old- fasioned chivalry
Chronology (n): kruh-nol-uh-jee
A chronology is an account or record of the times and the order in which a series of past events took place
It is important to establish the chronology of the events
Circlet (n): sur-klit (285)
a narrow band of gold, silver, or jewels worn around someone's head or arms = ring or band
The girls just pick the flowers and twist them into the circlets they put on their heads
Circumlocution (n): sur-kuhm-loh-kyoo-shuhn
A circumlocution is a way of saying or writing something using more words than are necessary instead of being clear and direct = indirect
Politicians are experts in circumlocution
Citadel (n): sit-uh-dl
In the past, a citadel was a strong building in or near a city, where people could shelter for safety = fortress, fortress
The town was situated inside a citadel to protect it from the outside attack
Clairvoyant (n): klair-voi-uhnt
Someone who is believed to be clairvoyant is believed to know about future events or to be able to communicate with dead people = fortune-teller
He went to the clairvoyant to know about his future
Clamour (n): klam-er
Chaos is a state of complete disorder and confusion = agitation
After the bombing, there was a public clamor for revenge
Claustrophobia (n): klaw-struh-foh-bee-uh (290)
Someone who suffers from claustrophobia feels very uncomfortable or anxious when they are in small or enclosed places
I get the feelings of claustrophobia when i will be in elivator
Clavicle (n): klav-i-kuhl
Your clavicles are your collar bones = collarbone
In a medical textbook, the choice between clavicle and collar-bone can justly be called a matter of stylistic variation
Cleft (n): kleft
A cleft in a rock or in the ground is a narrow opening in it
= fissure, split
No-one lives up here in the cleft except few animals
Clemency (n): klem-uhn-see
If someone is granted clemency, they are punished less severely than they could be = kindness
She was granted clemency after killing her violent husband
Clime (n): klahym
You use clime in expressions such as warmer climes and foreign climes to refer to a place that has a particular kind of climate = atmospheric conditions
He went to simla for cooler clime
Clique (n): kleek, klik (295)
If you describe a group of people as a clique, you mean that they spend a lot of time together and seem unfriendly towards people who are not in the group = coterie
The club is dominated by a small clique of intellectuals
Cliché (n): klee-shey
A cliché is an idea or phrase which has been used so much that it is no longer interesting or effective or no longer has much meaning
Every time I ask my dad for money, he always come out with an old cliche, “It doesn’t grow on trees”
Cloister (n): kloi-ster
A cloister is a covered area round a square in a monastery or a cathedral= convent
St Francis originally founded the cloister which now encloses a garden and well
Coadjutor (n): koh-aj-uh-ter
assistant; colleague
Cockade (n): ko-keyd
a small piece of cloth used as a decoration on a hat to show rank, membership of a club etc
Coda (n): koh-duh (300)
In music, a coda is the final part of a fairly long piece of music which is added in order to finish it off in a pleasing way = concluding part
The concert concluded with a distinctive coda which pleased the audiance
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