Apprehend (v): ap-ri-hend
If the police apprehend someone, they catch them and arrest them = catch
The thief was apprehended in the act of stealing a car
Apprise (v): uh-prahyz
When you are apprised of something, someone tells you about it = assess
We were fully apprised of the situation
Arbitrate (v): ahr-bi-treyt
When someone in authority arbitrates between two people or groups who are in dispute, they consider all the facts and make an official decision about who is right = act as judge
A committee was created to arbitrate between management and the unions
Arraign (v): uh-reyn
If someone is arraigned on a particular charge, they are brought before a court of law to answer that charge = charge in court, indict
He was arraigned on a charge of murder
Arrogate (v): ar-uh-geyt
If someone arrogates to themselves something such as a responsibility or privilege, they claim or take it even though they have no right to do so = take charge
The Principal arrogated to himself the right to make any decisions
Articulate (v): ahr-tik-yuh-lit; v ahr-tik-yuh-leyt
If you describe someone as articulate, you mean that they are able to express their thoughts and ideas easily and well = pronounce clearly
She struggled to articulate her thoughts
Ascertain (v): as-er-teyn
If you ascertain the truth about something, you find out what it is, especially by making a deliberate effort to do so
Tests were conducted to ascertain whether pollution levels have dropped
Ascribe (v): uh-skrahyb
If you ascribe an event or condition to a particular cause, you say or consider that it was caused by that thing = assign, attribute
Local people ascribe healing properties to this fruit
Assay (v): a-sey
An assay is a test of a substance to find out what chemicals it contains It is usually carried out to find out how pure a substance is = analyze, evaluate
When they assayed the ore, they found that they had discovered a very rich mineral
Assail (v): uh-seyl (60)
If someone assails you, they criticize you strongly= assault, attack
The opposition’s newspapers assail the government each day
Asseverate (v): uh-sev-uh-reyt
make a positive statement or solemn declaration
Assimilate (v): uh-sim-uh-leyt
When people such as immigrants assimilate into a community or when that community assimilates them, they become an accepted part of it = absorb
Immigrants have been successfully assimilated into the community
Assuage (v): uh-sweyj, uh-sweyzh
If you assuage an unpleasant feeling that someone has, you make them feel it less strongly = to ease
I cannot assuage your sadness
Atone (v): uh-tohn
If you atone for something that you have done, you do something to show that you are sorry you did it = pay for
She tried to atone for her rudeness by writing a letter of apology
Attenuate (v): uh-ten-yoo-eyt
To attenuate something means to reduce it or weaken it = make thin, weaken
You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it
The drought attenuated the river to a narrow channel
Attest (v): uh-test
To attest something or attest to something means to say, show, or prove that it is true = testify, bear witness
All the applications must be attested with medical officer
Augment (v): awg-ment
To augment something means to make it larger, stronger, or more effective by adding something to it = increase
The student is working parttime to augment his income
Authenticate (v): aw-then-ti-keyt
If you authenticate something, you state officially that it is genuine after examining it= prove genuine
He says he’ll have no problem authenticating the stamp
Aver (v): uh-vur
If you aver that something is the case, you say very firmly that it is true = state confidently, declare
He avers that the project was wholly scientific
Avow (v): uh-vou (70)
If you avow something, you admit it or declare it = declare
He avowed his support to the student leader
Babble (v): bab-uhl
If someone babbles, they talk in a confused or excited way = chatter idly
As soon as I reached home, my little niece started babbling about her adventures did by her all the day
Badger (v): baj-er
If you badger someone, you repeatedly tell them to do something or repeatedly ask them questions = pester; annoy
The mother had to badger the kids into doing their homework
Baffle (v): baf-uhl
If something baffles you, you cannot understand it or explain it = confuse, puzzle
His behaviour often baffles me
Balk (v): bawk
If you balk at something, you definitely do not want to do it or to let it happen= unwilling
Many people would balk at setting up a new business during a recession
Banter (v): ban-ter (75)
Banter is teasing or joking talk that is amusing and friendly = tease
The senior students bantered with the junior who entered the campus for the first time
If the police apprehend someone, they catch them and arrest them = catch
The thief was apprehended in the act of stealing a car
Apprise (v): uh-prahyz
When you are apprised of something, someone tells you about it = assess
We were fully apprised of the situation
Arbitrate (v): ahr-bi-treyt
When someone in authority arbitrates between two people or groups who are in dispute, they consider all the facts and make an official decision about who is right = act as judge
A committee was created to arbitrate between management and the unions
Arraign (v): uh-reyn
If someone is arraigned on a particular charge, they are brought before a court of law to answer that charge = charge in court, indict
He was arraigned on a charge of murder
Arrogate (v): ar-uh-geyt
If someone arrogates to themselves something such as a responsibility or privilege, they claim or take it even though they have no right to do so = take charge
The Principal arrogated to himself the right to make any decisions
Articulate (v): ahr-tik-yuh-lit; v ahr-tik-yuh-leyt
If you describe someone as articulate, you mean that they are able to express their thoughts and ideas easily and well = pronounce clearly
She struggled to articulate her thoughts
Ascertain (v): as-er-teyn
If you ascertain the truth about something, you find out what it is, especially by making a deliberate effort to do so
Tests were conducted to ascertain whether pollution levels have dropped
Ascribe (v): uh-skrahyb
If you ascribe an event or condition to a particular cause, you say or consider that it was caused by that thing = assign, attribute
Local people ascribe healing properties to this fruit
Assay (v): a-sey
An assay is a test of a substance to find out what chemicals it contains It is usually carried out to find out how pure a substance is = analyze, evaluate
When they assayed the ore, they found that they had discovered a very rich mineral
Assail (v): uh-seyl (60)
If someone assails you, they criticize you strongly= assault, attack
The opposition’s newspapers assail the government each day
Asseverate (v): uh-sev-uh-reyt
make a positive statement or solemn declaration
Assimilate (v): uh-sim-uh-leyt
When people such as immigrants assimilate into a community or when that community assimilates them, they become an accepted part of it = absorb
Immigrants have been successfully assimilated into the community
Assuage (v): uh-sweyj, uh-sweyzh
If you assuage an unpleasant feeling that someone has, you make them feel it less strongly = to ease
I cannot assuage your sadness
Atone (v): uh-tohn
If you atone for something that you have done, you do something to show that you are sorry you did it = pay for
She tried to atone for her rudeness by writing a letter of apology
Attenuate (v): uh-ten-yoo-eyt
To attenuate something means to reduce it or weaken it = make thin, weaken
You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it
The drought attenuated the river to a narrow channel
Attest (v): uh-test
To attest something or attest to something means to say, show, or prove that it is true = testify, bear witness
All the applications must be attested with medical officer
Augment (v): awg-ment
To augment something means to make it larger, stronger, or more effective by adding something to it = increase
The student is working parttime to augment his income
Authenticate (v): aw-then-ti-keyt
If you authenticate something, you state officially that it is genuine after examining it= prove genuine
He says he’ll have no problem authenticating the stamp
Aver (v): uh-vur
If you aver that something is the case, you say very firmly that it is true = state confidently, declare
He avers that the project was wholly scientific
Avow (v): uh-vou (70)
If you avow something, you admit it or declare it = declare
He avowed his support to the student leader
Babble (v): bab-uhl
If someone babbles, they talk in a confused or excited way = chatter idly
As soon as I reached home, my little niece started babbling about her adventures did by her all the day
Badger (v): baj-er
If you badger someone, you repeatedly tell them to do something or repeatedly ask them questions = pester; annoy
The mother had to badger the kids into doing their homework
Baffle (v): baf-uhl
If something baffles you, you cannot understand it or explain it = confuse, puzzle
His behaviour often baffles me
Balk (v): bawk
If you balk at something, you definitely do not want to do it or to let it happen= unwilling
Many people would balk at setting up a new business during a recession
Banter (v): ban-ter (75)
Banter is teasing or joking talk that is amusing and friendly = tease
The senior students bantered with the junior who entered the campus for the first time
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