Monday, 5 November 2012

Verb (151-175)

Confound (v):  kon-found
If someone or something confounds you, they make you feel surprised or confused, often by showing you that your opinions or expectations of them were wrong = surprise and puzzle
His amazing recovery confounded the medical specialists

Congeal (v):  kuhn-jeel
When a liquid congeals, it becomes very thick and sticky and almost solid= freeze; coagulate
The blood had started to congeal

Conjoin (v):  kuhn-join
If two or more things conjoin or if you conjoin them, they are united and joined together = join
He conjoined the two microsoft word files into one

Conjure (v):  kon-jer
If you conjure something out of nothing, you make it appear as if by magic = to do magic
The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat

Consecrate (v):  kon-si-kreyt
When a building, place, or object is consecrated, it is officially declared to be holy When a person is consecrated, they are officially declared to be a bishop = declare holy
She consecrated her life to God

Consort (v):  kon-sawrt
If you say that someone consorts with a particular person or group, you mean that they spend a lot of time with them, and usually that you do not think this is a good thing = associate with
We frequently judge people by the company with whom they consort

Construe (v):  kuhn-stroo 
If something is construed in a particular way, its nature or meaning is interpreted in that way = interpret
Her words could hardly be construed as an apology

Contaminate (v):  kuhn-tam-uh-neyt
If something is contaminated by dirt, chemicals, or radiation, they make it dirty or harmful = pollute
Have any fish been contaminated in the Arctic Ocean?

Contemn  (v):  kuhn-tem
to treat or regard with disdain, scorn, or contempt = look down
I will not tolerate those who contemn the sincere efforts of this group

Convene (v):  kuhn-veen (160)
If someone convenes a meeting or conference, they arrange for it to take place You can also say that people convene or that a meeting convenes = assemble
A Board of Inquiry was convenned  immediately after the accident 

Corroborate (v):  kuh-rob-uh-reyt
To corroborate something that has been said or reported means to provide evidence or information that supports it = support
They evidence was corroborated by two independent witnesses

Contravene (v):  kon-truh-veen
To contravene a law or rule means to do something that is forbidden by the law or rule = contradict, oppose
I will not attempt to contravene your argument 

Controvert (v):  kon-truh-vurt
oppose with arguments = contradict
Pakistan continues to controvert India’s stand on the Kashmir issue

Convene (v):  kuhn-veen
If someone convenes a meeting or conference, they arrange for it to take place You can also say that people convene or that a meeting convenes = assemble
The PM convened the cabinet to discuss the issue

Convoke (v):  kuhn-vohk
to tell people that they must come together for a formal meeting
A conference was convoked to discuss the situation

Countermand (v):  koun-ter-mand
If you countermand an order, you cancel it, usually by giving a different order = override, overrule
I can’t countermand an order which is given by the principal

Cower (v):  kou-er
If you cower, you bend forward and downwards because you are very frightened
The frightened child cowered in the corner of the room

Cozen (v):  kuhz-uhn
to trick or deceive someone = cheat, hoodwink; swindle
He was cozened into buying the old car at almost the same rate of a new one

Cull (v):  kuhl
If items or ideas are culled from a particular source or number of sources, they are taken and gathered together = pick out; reject
The plan to cull large numbers of monkeys has angered environmental groups

Curry (v):  kur-ee (170)
If one person tries to curry favour with another, they do things in order to try to gain their support or co-operation
He is always trying to curry favour with the boss

Curtail (v):  ker-teyl
If you curtail something, you reduce or limit it = shorten
We are trying to curtail paper usage in our office

Dally  (v):  dal-ee
If you dally, you act or move very slowly, wasting time = procrastinate
He always dallies over tasks that he doesn’t like doing

Daunt (v):  dawnt, dahnt
If something daunts you, it makes you feel slightly afraid or worried about dealing with it = frighten, intimidate
He was not at all daunted by the size and nature of the problem

Dawdle (v):  dawd-l
If you dawdle, you spend more time than is necessary going somewhere = waste time
Don’t dawdle, we are already late

Decant (v):  dih-kant(175)
If you decant a liquid into another container, you put it into another container
She always used to decant the milk into a jug

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