Earth is the only planet in our solar system that consists of most favorable conditions to the sustenance of the human beings. But the extensive usage of fossil fuels has been leading to the problem of rising of temperature all over the earth which we call it as GLOBAL WARMING. In addition to this heavy industrialization and rapid deforestation are making this problem much severe. Ozone layer which is considered as a protective layer for earth is getting destroyed because of the harmful gases like so2, no, co2 that are coming out of the automobiles and industries. All those gases together are known as GREEN HOUSE GASES which are forming a layer above the surface of the earth and preventing the reflection of the sun’s rays into the outer space. Because of this temperatures are rising and this phenomenon is known as GREEN HOUSE EFFECT. The temperature on any planet depends not only distance between the sun and the planet but also on the co2 amount on the planet. The co2 content on Venus is very high hence the temperature is at 4600 Celsius.
In addition to these several research publications suggest that the rise of temperature will be responsible for the melting of ice caps in the Polar Regions i.e. Antarctica and Arctic regions. A research paper concluded that 33% of the Antarctica ice will be melted by 2100 and that is capable of raising the sea level by 1.4m. In order to reduce the impact this global warming and prevent these harmful effects an international organization is formed under the name International Panel on Climatic Change(IPCC) in which all nations on the earth are members. This organization conducts a summit annually to discuss and intimate the developments that are taking place in the different nations. After its formation this panel prepared an agreement with the name KYOTO PROTOCAL according to which every nation has to reduce its emissions within the specified time frame. In the recent past such summits took place at Durban (south Africa) in 2011, at Cancun (Mexico) in 2010, at Copenhagen (Denmark) in2009. U.S and China are the top two nations which are liberating large amounts of co2. Hence the measures that every individual should take are the usage of mass transportation instead of individual vehicles and planting samplings in their houses. Apart from this government should provide incentives to the industries which use renewable resources like solar panels for their power generation and encourage industries which indigenously manufacture these solar panels.
In addition to these several research publications suggest that the rise of temperature will be responsible for the melting of ice caps in the Polar Regions i.e. Antarctica and Arctic regions. A research paper concluded that 33% of the Antarctica ice will be melted by 2100 and that is capable of raising the sea level by 1.4m. In order to reduce the impact this global warming and prevent these harmful effects an international organization is formed under the name International Panel on Climatic Change(IPCC) in which all nations on the earth are members. This organization conducts a summit annually to discuss and intimate the developments that are taking place in the different nations. After its formation this panel prepared an agreement with the name KYOTO PROTOCAL according to which every nation has to reduce its emissions within the specified time frame. In the recent past such summits took place at Durban (south Africa) in 2011, at Cancun (Mexico) in 2010, at Copenhagen (Denmark) in2009. U.S and China are the top two nations which are liberating large amounts of co2. Hence the measures that every individual should take are the usage of mass transportation instead of individual vehicles and planting samplings in their houses. Apart from this government should provide incentives to the industries which use renewable resources like solar panels for their power generation and encourage industries which indigenously manufacture these solar panels.
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