Genesis (n): jen-uh-sis
The genesis of something is its beginning, birth, or creation = origin
The genesis of most poets’ poems lies in their own emotions
Geniality (n): jeen-yuhl
Someone who is genial is kind and friendly = kindliness, sympathy
This restaurant is famous and popular because of the geniality of the proprietor who tries to make everyone happy
Genre (n): zhahn-ruh
A genre is a particular type of literature, painting, music, film, or other art form which people consider as a class because it has special characteristics
He loves films and novels of horror genre
Gentility (n): jen-til-i-tee
Gentility is the fact or appearance of belonging to a high social class = those of gentle birth, refinement
The hotel has an air of faded gentility
Gentry (n): jen-tree (655)
The gentry are people of high social status or high birth
At one time, only the most celebrated gentry was admitted into the club
Gerontocracy (n): jer-uhn-tok-ruh-see
a state or government in which old people rule
Guliver visited a gerontocract in which the young people acted as servants to their elders, all the while dreaming of the day they would be old enough to have servants of their own
Gestation (n): je-stey-shuhn
Gestation is the process in which an idea or plan develops
The plan is in gestation now and shall be worked on a trial basis after a few months
Gesticulation (n): je-stik-yuh-ley-shuhn
If you gesticulate, you make movements with your arms or hands, often while you are describing something that is difficult to express in words = motion, gesture
A man with a paper hat upon his head was gesticulating wildly
Gibbet (n): jib-it
a wooden frame on which criminals were hanged in the past with a rope around their neck = gallows
Gig (n): gig (660)
A gig is a live performance by someone such as a musician or a comedian = show
He supplemented his income with occasional comedy gigs
Gist (n): jist
The gist of a speech, conversation, or piece of writing is its general meaning = essence
The gist of his argument is that full employment is impossible
Glitch (n): glich
A glitch is a problem which stops something from working properly or being successful = hitch, problem
The manager went out of his way to correct the glitch in his department
Gloaming (n): gloh-ming
He likes sitting on that hill side in the gloaming, watching the stars appear
Glossary (n): glos-uh-ree
A glossary of special, unusual, or technical words or expressions is an alphabetical list of them giving their meanings, for example at the end of a book on a particular subject
A selective glossary of terms relating to credit finance documents appears in Appendix 2
Glut (n): gluht (665)
If there is a glut of something, there is so much of it that it cannot all be sold or used = surplus
There is such a glut of musicians at the moment that I’m finding it extremely difficult to find work
Gnome (n): nohm
In children's stories, a gnome is an imaginary creature that is like a tiny old man with a beard and pointed hat = dwarf, underground spirit
In Britain people sometimes have small statues of gnomes in their gardens
Gourmand (n): goor-mahnd
A gourmand is a person who enjoys eating and drinking in large amounts = epicure
The gourmand liked the French cuisine
Gourmet (n): goor-mey, goor-mey
Gourmet food is nicer or more unusual or sophisticated than ordinary food, and is often more expensive = a connoisseur of food and drink
We invite the gourmet to dine in our restaurant and write a column on the cuisine for the daily newspaper
Gratuity (n): gruh-too-i-tee
A gratuity is a gift of money to someone who has done something for you = tip
The porter expects a gratuity
Grimace (n): grim-uhs (670)
If you grimace, you twist your face in an ugly way because you are annoyed, disgusted, or in pain
He grimaced with pain as he tried to stand on the wounded leg
Grotesque (n): groh-tesk
You say that something is grotesque when it is so unnatural, unpleasant, and exaggerated that it upsets or shocks you = abnormal
The grotesque make-up of the actress was quite shocking
Guffaw (n): guh-faw
A guffaw is a very loud laugh
The announcement was greeted with loud guffaws
Guile (n): gahyl
Guile is the quality of being good at deceiving people in a clever way = deceit, duplicity
I love children’s innocence and lack of guile
Guise (n): gahyz
You use guise to refer to the outward appearance or form of someone or something, which is often temporary or different from their real nature = appearance
They operated a drug-smuggling business under the guise of an employment agency
Habiliment (n): huh-bil-uh-muhnt (675)
clothes as worn in a particular profession, way of life, etc
The children’s multicoloured habiliment made the dance more colourful
Hackles (n): hak-uhl
Hairs along an animal’s back which rise when it is angry or alarmed
Haematology (n)
Haematology is the study of diseases of the blood and blood - forming tissues
He was awarded a doctorate degree for his study of haematology
Hallucination (n): huh-loo-suh-ney-shuhn
A hallucination is the experience of seeing something that is not really there because you are ill or have taken a drug = illusion
Drug addicts experience hallucinations
Harangue (n & v): huh-rang
If someone harangues you, they try to persuade you to accept their opinions or ideas in a forceful way
The students were bored by the speaker’s interminable harangue
Harbinger (n): hahr-bin-jer (680)
Something that is a harbinger of something else, especially something bad, is a sign that it is going to happen
= a forerunner
The crocus is a harbinger of autumn
Haughtiness (n): haw-tee
You use haughtiness to describe someone’s behaviour or appearance when you disapprove of the fact that they seem to be very proud and to think that they are better than other people = smugness
There was a certain haughtiness in her manner that raised the hackless of her classmates
Hauteur (n): hoh-tur
You can use hauteur to describe behaviour which you think is proud and arrogant = haughtiness
Once, she had been put off by his hauteur
Hawser (n): haw-zer
A hawser is a large heavy rope, especially one used on a ship = large rope
Hedonism (n): heed-n-iz-uhm
Hedonism is the belief that gaining pleasure is the most important thing in life = pleasure seeking
The hedonism of the idle rich results in the negligence of their responsibilities
Hegemony (n) : hi-jem-uh-nee (685)
Hegemony is a situation in which one country, organization, or group has more power, control, or importance than others = authority
The hegemony of the topmost company in the field was destroyed by the small undertakings
Hegira (n): hi-jahy-ruh
flight, especially Mohammed's flight from Mecca the Medina
Hermaphrodite (n): hur-maf-ruh-dahyt
A hermaphrodite is a person, animal, or flower that has both male and female reproductive organs
A hermaphrodite creature is very rare
Heresy (n): her-uh-see
Heresy is a belief or action that most people think is wrong, because it disagrees with beliefs that are generally accepted
It might be considered heresy to suggest such a idea
Heretic (n): her-i-tik
A heretic is someone whose beliefs or actions are considered wrong by most people, because they disagree with beliefs that are generally accepted
Crammer was put to death as a heretic
Hermitage (n): hur-mi-tij , er-mi-tahzh (690)
a place where a hermit lives or has lived in the past = sanctuary
Israel was created as hermitage for the Jews who had survived in the holocaust
Herpetologist (n): hur-pi-tol-uh-jee
A person who studies a branch of zoology concerned with reptiles and amphibians
The famous herpetologist spent a number of years in the Amazon forests in search of the elusive anaconda
Hhogshead (n): hawgz-hed
a large cask, esp one containing from 63 to 140 gallons (238 to 530 liters) = a large barrel
Hiatus (n): hahy-ey-tuhs
A hiatus is a pause in which nothing happens, or a gap where something is missing = gap
During the afternoon hiatus on TV, re-runs are often featured
Hierarchy (n): hahy-uh-rahr-kee
A hierarchy is a system of organizing people into different ranks or levels of importance, for example in society or in a company
She worked her way up through the corporate hierarchy to become president
Hieroglyphic (n): hahy-er-uh-glif-ik (695)
Hieroglyphs are symbols in the form of pictures, which are used in some writing systems, especially those of ancient Egypt = hieroglyphics, picture writing
The walls of the palace are carved with hieroglyphics
Hireling (n): hahyuhr-ling
If you refer to someone as a hireling, you disapprove of them because they do not care who they work for and they are willing to do illegal or immoral things as long as they are paid = mercenary
The hireling is the busiest man in the office - it seems everybody is calling him all the time
Hoax (n): hohks
A hoax is a trick in which someone tells people a lie, for example that there is a bomb somewhere when there is not, or that a picture is genuine when it is not = trick, practical joke
What was really wonderful was that the paper swallowed the hoax whole
Holocaust (n): hol-uh-kawst
A holocaust is an event in which there is a lot of destruction and many people are killed, especially one caused by war
A nuclear holocaust seemed a very real possibility in the '50s
Holster (n): hohl-ster
A holster is a holder for a small gun, which is worn on a belt around someone's waist or on a strap around their shoulder = pistol case
Homeostasis (n): hoh-mee-uh-stey-sis (700)
the maintenance of a stable equilibrium, especially through physiological processes
A breakdown of the body’s immune system severely undermines the body’s ability to maintain homeostasis
The genesis of something is its beginning, birth, or creation = origin
The genesis of most poets’ poems lies in their own emotions
Geniality (n): jeen-yuhl
Someone who is genial is kind and friendly = kindliness, sympathy
This restaurant is famous and popular because of the geniality of the proprietor who tries to make everyone happy
Genre (n): zhahn-ruh
A genre is a particular type of literature, painting, music, film, or other art form which people consider as a class because it has special characteristics
He loves films and novels of horror genre
Gentility (n): jen-til-i-tee
Gentility is the fact or appearance of belonging to a high social class = those of gentle birth, refinement
The hotel has an air of faded gentility
Gentry (n): jen-tree (655)
The gentry are people of high social status or high birth
At one time, only the most celebrated gentry was admitted into the club
Gerontocracy (n): jer-uhn-tok-ruh-see
a state or government in which old people rule
Guliver visited a gerontocract in which the young people acted as servants to their elders, all the while dreaming of the day they would be old enough to have servants of their own
Gestation (n): je-stey-shuhn
Gestation is the process in which an idea or plan develops
The plan is in gestation now and shall be worked on a trial basis after a few months
Gesticulation (n): je-stik-yuh-ley-shuhn
If you gesticulate, you make movements with your arms or hands, often while you are describing something that is difficult to express in words = motion, gesture
A man with a paper hat upon his head was gesticulating wildly
Gibbet (n): jib-it
a wooden frame on which criminals were hanged in the past with a rope around their neck = gallows
Gig (n): gig (660)
A gig is a live performance by someone such as a musician or a comedian = show
He supplemented his income with occasional comedy gigs
Gist (n): jist
The gist of a speech, conversation, or piece of writing is its general meaning = essence
The gist of his argument is that full employment is impossible
Glitch (n): glich
A glitch is a problem which stops something from working properly or being successful = hitch, problem
The manager went out of his way to correct the glitch in his department
Gloaming (n): gloh-ming
He likes sitting on that hill side in the gloaming, watching the stars appear
Glossary (n): glos-uh-ree
A glossary of special, unusual, or technical words or expressions is an alphabetical list of them giving their meanings, for example at the end of a book on a particular subject
A selective glossary of terms relating to credit finance documents appears in Appendix 2
Glut (n): gluht (665)
If there is a glut of something, there is so much of it that it cannot all be sold or used = surplus
There is such a glut of musicians at the moment that I’m finding it extremely difficult to find work
Gnome (n): nohm
In children's stories, a gnome is an imaginary creature that is like a tiny old man with a beard and pointed hat = dwarf, underground spirit
In Britain people sometimes have small statues of gnomes in their gardens
Gourmand (n): goor-mahnd
A gourmand is a person who enjoys eating and drinking in large amounts = epicure
The gourmand liked the French cuisine
Gourmet (n): goor-mey, goor-mey
Gourmet food is nicer or more unusual or sophisticated than ordinary food, and is often more expensive = a connoisseur of food and drink
We invite the gourmet to dine in our restaurant and write a column on the cuisine for the daily newspaper
Gratuity (n): gruh-too-i-tee
A gratuity is a gift of money to someone who has done something for you = tip
The porter expects a gratuity
Grimace (n): grim-uhs (670)
If you grimace, you twist your face in an ugly way because you are annoyed, disgusted, or in pain
He grimaced with pain as he tried to stand on the wounded leg
Grotesque (n): groh-tesk
You say that something is grotesque when it is so unnatural, unpleasant, and exaggerated that it upsets or shocks you = abnormal
The grotesque make-up of the actress was quite shocking
Guffaw (n): guh-faw
A guffaw is a very loud laugh
The announcement was greeted with loud guffaws
Guile (n): gahyl
Guile is the quality of being good at deceiving people in a clever way = deceit, duplicity
I love children’s innocence and lack of guile
Guise (n): gahyz
You use guise to refer to the outward appearance or form of someone or something, which is often temporary or different from their real nature = appearance
They operated a drug-smuggling business under the guise of an employment agency
Habiliment (n): huh-bil-uh-muhnt (675)
clothes as worn in a particular profession, way of life, etc
The children’s multicoloured habiliment made the dance more colourful
Hackles (n): hak-uhl
Hairs along an animal’s back which rise when it is angry or alarmed
Haematology (n)
Haematology is the study of diseases of the blood and blood - forming tissues
He was awarded a doctorate degree for his study of haematology
Hallucination (n): huh-loo-suh-ney-shuhn
A hallucination is the experience of seeing something that is not really there because you are ill or have taken a drug = illusion
Drug addicts experience hallucinations
Harangue (n & v): huh-rang
If someone harangues you, they try to persuade you to accept their opinions or ideas in a forceful way
The students were bored by the speaker’s interminable harangue
Harbinger (n): hahr-bin-jer (680)
Something that is a harbinger of something else, especially something bad, is a sign that it is going to happen
= a forerunner
The crocus is a harbinger of autumn
Haughtiness (n): haw-tee
You use haughtiness to describe someone’s behaviour or appearance when you disapprove of the fact that they seem to be very proud and to think that they are better than other people = smugness
There was a certain haughtiness in her manner that raised the hackless of her classmates
Hauteur (n): hoh-tur
You can use hauteur to describe behaviour which you think is proud and arrogant = haughtiness
Once, she had been put off by his hauteur
Hawser (n): haw-zer
A hawser is a large heavy rope, especially one used on a ship = large rope
Hedonism (n): heed-n-iz-uhm
Hedonism is the belief that gaining pleasure is the most important thing in life = pleasure seeking
The hedonism of the idle rich results in the negligence of their responsibilities
Hegemony (n) : hi-jem-uh-nee (685)
Hegemony is a situation in which one country, organization, or group has more power, control, or importance than others = authority
The hegemony of the topmost company in the field was destroyed by the small undertakings
Hegira (n): hi-jahy-ruh
flight, especially Mohammed's flight from Mecca the Medina
Hermaphrodite (n): hur-maf-ruh-dahyt
A hermaphrodite is a person, animal, or flower that has both male and female reproductive organs
A hermaphrodite creature is very rare
Heresy (n): her-uh-see
Heresy is a belief or action that most people think is wrong, because it disagrees with beliefs that are generally accepted
It might be considered heresy to suggest such a idea
Heretic (n): her-i-tik
A heretic is someone whose beliefs or actions are considered wrong by most people, because they disagree with beliefs that are generally accepted
Crammer was put to death as a heretic
Hermitage (n): hur-mi-tij , er-mi-tahzh (690)
a place where a hermit lives or has lived in the past = sanctuary
Israel was created as hermitage for the Jews who had survived in the holocaust
Herpetologist (n): hur-pi-tol-uh-jee
A person who studies a branch of zoology concerned with reptiles and amphibians
The famous herpetologist spent a number of years in the Amazon forests in search of the elusive anaconda
Hhogshead (n): hawgz-hed
a large cask, esp one containing from 63 to 140 gallons (238 to 530 liters) = a large barrel
Hiatus (n): hahy-ey-tuhs
A hiatus is a pause in which nothing happens, or a gap where something is missing = gap
During the afternoon hiatus on TV, re-runs are often featured
Hierarchy (n): hahy-uh-rahr-kee
A hierarchy is a system of organizing people into different ranks or levels of importance, for example in society or in a company
She worked her way up through the corporate hierarchy to become president
Hieroglyphic (n): hahy-er-uh-glif-ik (695)
Hieroglyphs are symbols in the form of pictures, which are used in some writing systems, especially those of ancient Egypt = hieroglyphics, picture writing
The walls of the palace are carved with hieroglyphics
Hireling (n): hahyuhr-ling
If you refer to someone as a hireling, you disapprove of them because they do not care who they work for and they are willing to do illegal or immoral things as long as they are paid = mercenary
The hireling is the busiest man in the office - it seems everybody is calling him all the time
Hoax (n): hohks
A hoax is a trick in which someone tells people a lie, for example that there is a bomb somewhere when there is not, or that a picture is genuine when it is not = trick, practical joke
What was really wonderful was that the paper swallowed the hoax whole
Holocaust (n): hol-uh-kawst
A holocaust is an event in which there is a lot of destruction and many people are killed, especially one caused by war
A nuclear holocaust seemed a very real possibility in the '50s
Holster (n): hohl-ster
A holster is a holder for a small gun, which is worn on a belt around someone's waist or on a strap around their shoulder = pistol case
Homeostasis (n): hoh-mee-uh-stey-sis (700)
the maintenance of a stable equilibrium, especially through physiological processes
A breakdown of the body’s immune system severely undermines the body’s ability to maintain homeostasis
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