
  • Numbersytem: Factors and Co-primes
  • Numbersytem: LCM and HCF
  • Numbersytem: Divisisbility Rules
  • Numbersytem: Finding Maximum power of a number divide a factorial number
  • Numbersytem: Finding Unit and Last two digits of an expression
  • Numbersytem: Base system
  • Approaches to problem solving
  • Ratio and Proportion (10)
  • Inverse and direct proportionality between variables
  • Partnership (6)
  • Percentages (14)
  • Profit and Loss (29)
  • Simple interest (10)
  • Compound interest (17)
  • Averages (19)
  • Time & Distance - I (28)
  • Time & Distance - II(Races)(9)
  • Time Speed and Distance - III (Challenging Questions)
  • Time and Work (3)
  • Areas and Mensuration (24)
  • Mensuration II (Important results)
  • Mixtures and replacements (5)
  • Alpha Numerics (5)
  • Counting (6)
  • Alligation Rule (8)
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